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Cayde's PoV:

I was stuck at my desk, gazing at boring maps non-stop when my computer beeped.

"Let's see what you have..."

I opened the report and tilted my head.

"Hey, Zavala! Ikora! I've got a reading of Void Light outta the system!"

Zavala ignored me as Ikora rolled her eyes. "Very likely." Her tone was full of sarcasm.

"Ugh! Here, I'll show you the report!"

They took a glance at the report and their eyes widened. Slowly, Ikora looked at me.

"And you are sure this is correct?"

"Yes! I've been running dozens of tests!"

Zavala and Ikora shared a look, then sighed. Zavala looked at me.



"We need someone to investigate this Light..."

It clicked in. "Waitwaitwaitwait, you're letting me go?!?"

Ikora lowered her head. "Yes Cayde, we're letting you go. Just. This. Once."

I bolted out of the room. "FREEDOM!!!"

Tia's PoV:

We were out on patrol with Glynda again and nothing was coming through our radios. As we sat in a café, I began to toy with my radio. As I skimmed through the channels, I swore I heard someone scream "freedom" at the top of their lungs.

"That kinda sounded like Cayde." Luke was trying to find what channel I was on.

I shrugged. "Coincidence. Hey, do you think RWBY will find Roman?"

Erica shrugged and took a sip of her tea. "Knowing those girls, probably. The real question is 'can they apprehend him?'"

Sam nodded and joined in. "Yeah. We need to be ready to help them if they need it."

I smirked and plonked my last fry into my mouth. "We got dis."

The others nodded and we got up to continue our patrol. As we were walking through the park that was close to the docks, a low rumbling started. Us Guardians drew out weapons and looked for the source. Glynda was nowhere to be found.

The sound got louder and I swore I heard... train tracks?!? Looking to my right, I realized what was going on.

"Get back from the wall!"

The citizens backed away from the wall confused, then gasped WHEN A TRAIN BURST THROUGH THE WALL!!!!!!!

Sam, Luke, Erica and I were too close to the wall and rubble covered us. Sunshot flew from my hand and I struggled against the unrelenting concrete. As I struggled to get this debris off me, I pleaded to Sheila.

Help, please!

Sheila: I'm trying!

I heard the muffled bangs of Sunshot being fired and following explosions. Something on top either broke loose or shifted because I felt the concrete budge. Suddenly, an armored hand shot down and grabbed my wrist.

I was yanked out of the wreckage and thrown into the fray. Quickly regaining my balance, I had Sheila bring out my Khovostov to take care of the waves upon waves of Grimm pouring out of the hole that train made. Where did it even come from?!?

A Golden Gun was rapidly fired next to me, but it wasn't Luke. He was on the other side of the battlefield, Blade Dancing. Taking a glance to my right, my gun dropped from my hands.


He looked at me and waved, then shot a Nevermore without looking. "'Sup."

I shook my head. "How-?"

"Tell ya later. Right now, let's take care of these animals."

Smirking, I kicked my gun back into my hands and slipped it on my back. Using the rubble I was buried in as a sort of ramp, I lept towards the wall, then rebounded, going higher. Using my Light to lift me up, I reached my apex then curled my hands over one another.

Arc Light sparked through my body as I activated my signature Super: Fist of Havok. The Light rocketed me to to the ground as the Arc Light sparking around me got wilder and wilder to the point it began to get out of hand. I fell several more feet before slamming into the ground, causing cracks to shoot out from me like a web as the electricity from the explosion surpassed the ground's resistance and turned it into a sort of superconductor. It caused every single Grimm on the ground to pop like overfilled water balloons as the current fed back to me and as strong as I might be, I just couldn't withstand the charge.

Sheila and Cayde's Ghost were laughing when they brought me back. I laughed too and looked around at my handiwork. Practically everything was covered in Grimm dust. My brother walked over to me, fairly pissed.


"The fight got boring so I ended it. Also, C-"

I saw Roman sneaking away, so I grabbed Cayde's Ace of Spades and squeezed off a shot. It went straight through his kneecap and he fell down with a yell. Several Atlas soldiers grabbed him and began to drag the criminal away.

"Oh no, you've caught me. You've really shown me the errors of my ways." Roman sounded bored.

Ace of Spades still in my hand, I strode up to Roman and aimed it at his head.

"Lesson one: don't eff with the Light."

Quickly, I adjusted my aim to point at his good knee and pulled the trigger. The bullet shattered his other kneecap and I walked away, tuning out his stream of curses. Calmly tossing Cayde his gun back, I made my way back to Beacon, a small smile on my lips.

Job well done.

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