Our First Class

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Sam's PoV:

I woke up to see Tia stretching her arms. Getting up, I changed into my school uniform, frowning at how unprotective it felt.

This feels so thin! How is it supposed to protect us, from anything?!?

Ghost: Want to put some weave into it? You know, use your Light to strengthen it?

Yeah, sounds good.

My clothes glowed as Ghost integrated as much weave as he could into them. Tia noticed this and smirked.

"Didn't know you were such a wimp."

I glared at her. "Shut up. You know the threat of a H-"

"Hive invasion, yeah, I know. But seriously, can't you just get Ghost to do it? Also, why haven't you given Peter Dinklage a name yet?"

Ghost came out of my head, his eye flashing orange. "WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP CALLING ME THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!"

We laughed and I turned around to see Erica and Luke awake. My face fell when I realized a potentially touchy topic.

"Uh, Luke? How the hell are we going to hide the fact that you're Awoken? People will ask questions."

Luke grinned. "We get one accessory to go with our uniforms. I'll wear my Ghost Angel Cloak with the hood up. Boom, problemo solved-......o."

We all let out an exasperated sigh and I grabbed my Mark of the Sunforged. "If that's so, I'll wear this."

Tia simply rolled her eyes as she adjusted her uniform. Erica slipped on her Iron Lord bond and we ran to Mr. Port's classroom. We sat down and waited for the class to begin. Port rambled on about his life achievements and I heard Tia snort.

Ghost: If he'd seen a part of the things we've done, he'd pass the hell out!

Ghost, be respectful.

Ruby kept pulling antics that got Weiss riled up. Blake sneakily read her book and Yang drifted off into space. Now, if I think about it, Ruby is like a young Hunter who hasn't seen much action, Blake is a Hunter who knows what's what, Weiss is a Warlock with one HELL of an attitude and Yang is like a newly revived Titan: wanting to take on the biggest and baddest creatures. I chuckled when Weiss didn't hesitate to fight a "Boarbatusk".

I watched the match with little interest, rolling my eyes when Weiss lost her focus because she shouted at Ruby to shut up. She was disarmed but managed to reaquire her weapon and finish the match. Ruby came up to Weiss and asked about what happened to working together and Weiss shot her down. The little girl walked away with her head hung and I sighed.

Erica noticed the sigh. "Sam, something wrong?"

I looked at her. "I'll see you later. Have to take care of something first."

She nodded and chased after the rest of our team. I walked over to Ruby and overheard her conversation with Ozpin.

"I believe you made a mistake making me leader of Team RWBY."

Ozpin raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? I must admit, I have made more mistakes than any man, woman or child here on Remnant, but I do not think your appointment as leader is one of them. Do you?"

Ruby simply looked at the floor. Ghost made a comment in my head.

Ghost: I don't think he's exaggerating.


Ghost: Dunno.... Instinct?

I smirked. Cayde does go on about trusting our instincts.

Ozpin continued. "Listen. It has only been one day. Give it time. Only time will tell if you become a great leader or not."

I stepped forwards, emerging from the shadows, like a Hidden or Nightstalker. "One of my old mentors had a saying. 'The strength of the pack is the Young Wolf and the strength of the Young Wolf is the pack.'"

Ruby gazed at me, curious, while Ozpin smiled.

I sighed. "No matter what part of the team you are, you are just as important as everyone else. Everything you do directly affect your teammates. And Ozpin's right, it's only been a single day. The greatest of trees don't just become so in a single day. It takes years upon years to grow to such an incredible size. You are a seed, and soon, you will grow into the tree."

Ruby smiled while Ozpin nodded, knowing. I walked away and got back to my team, who were lounging about in the dorm. Tia was hanging out of the window upside down, Luke was playing a video game and Erica was talking to her Ghost. I rolled my eyes and put on some music. My mind drifted to Ruby and her team.

They're raw, but can be molded into a formidible force. Just need time and good foes.

I drifted to sleep.

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