Visions and Confessions

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Sam's PoV:

I watched as a small house surrounded by forest sat before me. Looking around, I saw the Traveller hovering over the house and a hawk flew past me, going down. I was pulled after it and flinched when I saw the petrified faces of all those lost during my time as a Guardian. Being pulled away, I chased after the hawk and saw apparitions of Light. There was an orange sword, a purple shield, and a blue staff. Flying up, I saw a twisted and corrupted forest sprawling out from a giant white shard. Gazing at it, I saw Light flick out from it, demolishing any Grimm that dared to get close. My eyes widened.

"A Shard of the Traveller!"

Then, I was dragged away to a dark place. A petrified dragon clung to the side of a ruined tower and Grimm populated the area surrounding. As much as I tried, I could not recognize the area that had fallen, or is it doom to fall? I know not.

Getting pulled once again, I saw the City burning. Gazing at the Traveller, I was horrified to find it scorched. Suddenly, a giant glowing mass resembling Ghaul shot up from a ship close to the Traveller and I heard his voice.

"Traveller! You have failed! Your champions have failed! I am immortal; A GOD! BOW BEFORE THE RED LEGION!!!"

Suddenly, a giant golden dragon shot up from the ship and chomped down on Ghaul. Flinging him into the Traveller, a dull thud resonated within my skull as I watched the two Collosals fought. Suddenly, the Traveller began to glow, but a rocket shot right towards me.



I bolted up in a fit of sweat. After realizing I was still at Beacon, I put a hand to my temple. Sighing, I reflected on my vision.

What was that about? The Traveller hovering over that house? Those weapons? That ruined tower and dragon? Ghaul and the Traveller? That dragon??? I just don't know...

"Hey, you okay? You were mumbling in your sleep." Yang was sitting on the bed next to me.

"Huh? Yang?"

She smiled. "Yep. Guess you're a light sleeper."

"You did not..."

Her smile transformed into a smirk. "Oh, yes I did."

My response was to face-palm. Yang snickered and I looked around, realizing I was in her dorm. No one else was here.

"Yang? Where's everyone else?"

"At the fair."

"And why aren't you with them?"

Yang just realized that. "Why AM I not with them???"

I chuckled, then tried my luck. "Hey, Yang...?"

"Yeah?" Her lavender eyes stared right into my blue ones.

"I-. I've... gotta tell you something."

"What is it? Go on, you can tell me." She had a sly look on her face.

"I-. I-." Ghost, help me!

Ghost: Nope.


Ghost flew out of my head and left the room. Yang watched that happen, then looked at me with heightened curiosity. "Was that... Ghost?"

My cheeks heated up. "Y-yeah..."

"Sam? What's up? You're stuttering all over the place. You aren't usually like that..."

I gulped and took the plunge. "I love you."

Yang waited one second before her lips curled upwards. "That's what I've been waiting to hear."

Wait, what?

I froze up when Yang smashed her lips into mine. She sat down in my lap without breaking the kiss and I felt someone enter my mind.

Ghost was laughing.
Ghost: You can fight the Darkness head on without fear, yet you can't handle a simple relationship!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

SHUT UP! I'd like to see YOU handle a relationship!!!

Ghost: Oh, it is on.

Wait, wut.

Ghost started laughing hysterically and I tuned him out. Finally feeling the tingling sensation going through my arms vanish, I wrapped them around Yang and pressed into the kiss. Suddenly, someone whistled and I opened an eye to see Tia and Ruby smiling wildly at us. They bolted out the door and I mentally face-palmed.

Yang broke the kiss and gazed into my eyes. "What's wrong, Sam?"

"They know."

"Who knows?"

"Tia and Ruby."

Her eyes widened. "Uh oh."

Ghost popped out of my head and hovered weakly between us. "Incoming transmission. It's from Luke."

Yang and I dead-panned. "They did not."

Luke's voice came through Ghost. "Congrats."

I hate you, Tia.

Suddenly, I remembered something. "Hey, Luke?"


"Remember when we went on that school trip which took us out to a remote village?"

"Uh, yeah. What's your point?"

"Remember that night when Blake snuck into our tent?" An evil grin formed on my lips.

"Oh, Traveller... Please, don't."

Weiss sounded curious. "What happened?"

My grin grew. "Well, it was that night when Blake..."

I could feel their anticipation.

"... kissed Luke!!!"


We all started to laugh and I heard the others on the other side start to chant. Ghost cut the feed and I got out of bed. Yang looked at me with interest. "Sam? What's up?"

"I had a vision of a Shard of the Traveller here on Remnant. And I need to find it."

Yang got up as well. "I'm coming with you."


"No 'but's. Last I checked, you and me? We're not too different."

I sighed. "Just... stay back."

She smirked. "Whatever you say, love."

I groaned. "Are we really gunna start with the cliches now?"

Yang simply smiled. "Yep."

I face-palmed.
Yang laughed.

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