The Farm

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Tia's PoV:

I clutched my throbbing chest, the force of Ghaul's punch still stinging. Sam looked back at me, frowning.

"I know you're in pain, Tia. Just hold out a little longer, we'll get you medical attention ASAP."

WIncing, tears filled my vision as the pain became unbearable. Still, I asked my brother a question. "Hey... Sam?"

He glanced back at me. "Yeah, Tia? How you holding up?"

I took a hand off my chest and saw blood. "Bad. But... tell me. Do you... like Yang?"

His cheeks became redder than mine when he saw me without a shirt back in the forest on Remnant. "Y-yeah..."

I smiled. "Good. Because Ruby'd love to see you two hook up."

He simply shot me a shocked look and I chuckled, then immediately regretted that. Sam picked up the speed a little and in no time at all, we landed at the Farm. After getting my ribs checked out, we walked around and came across an Exo Hunter who was mulling over his squeaking arm.

"I need some elbow grease..."

Luke smirked and tossed him a can of oil. The Exo caught it and applied the oil to all of his joints and other moving parts, then stood up. He gazed at Luke and Luke gazed back.



The Exo nodded. "Good to see you again, bud. Thought you died when you didn't respond to my jokes."

"You know your jokes are stale."

Stalker-5 rolled his eyes and looked at us in our battered armor. "So... Seen better days?"

We nodded. "Yeah..."

Hawthorn gazed at us from the balcony of a hanger. "Hey! Titan!"

Sam and I turned around.

Hawthorn face-palmed. "The one that hit his head."

Sam let out an exasperated sigh. "Coming."

He walked away and I heard a familiar voice call me. "Tia!"

I gasped. Shaxx?!?

Rushing over to the source of the voice, I saw Shaxx standing tall, a thousand more scars on his already worn armor than before. He smiled down at me.

"You. You were there when the Red Legion. You stood tall while the Legion burned our homes. You fought a losing battle without giving up faith. That is more than any Guardian could strive for..."

I couldn't help but blush. "Th-thanks, Shaxx."

He smirked at me. "And when the Red Legion took our Light, we became mortal; weak. Yet you stood up for what you believed and stared the enemy in the eyes. Very few can claim feats like that. As such, I wanted to give you this..." He turned around and grabbed a pile of tightly bound cloth.

Turning around to face me, he offered the gift and I took it, startled by the weight. Clumsily, I plonked it down on a table and pulled my throbbing hands away. "OW!"

My role-model chuckled at me and watched as I got a hold of myself and grabbed the lightning blue strings that kept the brown cloth bound. Slowly, I tugged at the strings and watched as the cloth fell away to reveal an Origin Story, alongside a sword in a blue sheath. Putting Origin Story on my back, I grabbed the sword by sheath and handle, then slowly drew it. Lightning split the air as Bolt-Caster was brought into the light of day. Er, night.

I dead-panned. "You didn't."

"I did."

I stood there for a minute before Luke, Erica, Stalker-5, and Sam walked over. Luke was oblivious to what was in my hands. "Hey! What'd Shaxx give you?"

I said nothing.

Luke opened his eyes and saw Bolt-Caster. He deadpanned and looked at Shaxx.

"You didn't."

"I did."

He then handed Sam a package covered in golden cloth, bound by orange string.

"This is from Saladin, Young Wolf."

Sam nervously opened it and all of our jaws hit the floor when we saw what was inside. Inside, a Young Wolf's Howl rested against an IRON AXE OF ALL THINGS!!!!!!!!! AND IT WAS BRAND NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Ahem*. Sorry about that.

Sam gazed at the glinting axe and sword. "When I see Saladin again, I've got to thank him." And with that, my brother twirled the axe onto his back and slipped the sword onto his hip.

Shaxx patted me on the head, which is funny because his palm is twice as big as my head. We all laughed, then Sam got serious.

"Hawthorn's agreed to let us go back to Remnant. Thing is, she is expecting for us to return."

Erica's eyes drifted to the horizon. "Any deadline?"

He shook his head. "Nope. All she said was 'Go, just don't forget about us.'"

We all nodded. "Understood. Ozpin'll understand, right?"

Sam hung his head. "I hope so..."

After saying our goodbyes, we got into our ships and took off for Remnant, hoping, praying that everything was fine there.

Please be okay, Ruby. You're like a sister to me; I'd hate to see you hurt.

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