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Sam's PoV:

In the middle of Volume Two...

I've noticed that Team RWBY has been getting themselves into situations that they have not trained for recently. First was the docks, then the highway incident. Not to mention the person Ruby saw breaking into the CCT tower during the dance. Naturally, I worried.

They're going to get themselves hurt.

Tia elbowed me.

"Huh? What is it?"

"Let's sign up for a job!"

I nodded and the four of us walked over to the job listings. Luke found one almost immediately.

"Hey! There's a mission right here!"

Erica looked at him. "What is it?"

"We shadow a Huntsman/Huntress working for the police! Good for someone like us!"

We all nodded and I signed us up. Tia tried to read over my shoulder, but the info passed.

"When we leaving?"

"Now. Get into light armor." And with that, I had Ghost put me in some everyday clothes with Dunemarchers as elaborate boots.

The others understood and changed into their clothes. As soon as that was taken care of, we ran over to the Bullhead containing our Huntsman.

As we ran, Tia and Luke tried to guess who was our Huntsman.

"I think it's that Qrow fella." Luke checked his ammo.

"Nah. Oo- oh. RWBY got him."

We turn to look at the group of girls. We chuckled.

Luke smirked. "Then I guess Port."

"Hello students."

We stopped and saw Glynda standing before us. I looked at Luke and Tia.

"Guess you two were wrong."

Glynda cracked a smile and stepped foot on the Bullhead. "It'd be best if we leave as soon as possible. Also, those rifles will scare the locals. Please choose something different."

We nodded and I swapped to my Traveller's Chosen. Not the best sidearm, I know that, but it's what I have on me. And besides, I've upped the damage.

Tia swapped to Thorn, which made us older Guardians flinch. We're going to have to keep a close eye on her. Erica swapped to her Living Memory.

Luke kept his Ace of Hearts.

Glynda smiled and fully entered the Bullhead. We followed and as soon as we sat down, the ship took off. As we flew, Erica asked Glynda a question.

"Will we be getting uniforms or no?"

"No, no need. We're Huntsmen and Huntresses. We share no affiliation to any Kingdom. Uniforms would taint that image."

I crossed my arms. "So would learning in the same Kingdom for four years until we're Huntsmen. If it was up to me, I'd have everyone stay in their own Kingdom for a year, then swap to a different one, then another, then to the last one. That way, no ties are made."

Glynda nodded. "Very insightful, Mr. Goldshot. Sadly, that is not the case. Now then, get ready, we're landing."

We got up and I ejected a spent casing. The others got ready as well and as soon as the door opened, we were out. Glynda calmly lept out behind us and strode up to the police station.

The officers inside gave her a salute and passed along five radios. Glynda gave each of us one, then slipped hers onto her belt. I had Ghost monitor the channel the radio was set to and I slipped it onto my belt. We left the station and walked around.

We came across Sun and Neptune following Qrow, who seemed to be both annoyed and extremely stressed. Qrow and Glynda exchanged nods and we continued on. Eventually, we were called upon to resolve a extremely serious situation.

The dispatcher's voice came out of Glynda's radio. "Huntress, we have a call."

She held her transmit button. "What's the situation?"

"Gunman in Signal. Reports say two to three. Local Huntsmen are struggling to keep them in the building."

"Copy. Moving to assist."

We started running and in no time came across Ruby and Yang's old school. We formed up on the door, I gave a countdown from three, and we rushed in, safeties off.

"STEL, split up. Radio in if you need help."

Their response was unanimous. "Roger."

There were three hallways, so Tia stuck with me as we passed through. As we did, I started to ridicule her.

"Tia! Do you know how much danger you are putting everyone in with that weapon?!?"

"What, Thorn? Don't worry, my Light's stronger."

"That's what a Hunter said before he became corrupted by it! Swap!"

She rolled her eyes, but let go of the gun. It fell and was deconstructed by her Ghost, then another hand cannon started to form. She grabbed it and I recognized it as Sunshot.

I nodded in approval. "Be careful not to kill."

"Yeah, I know. Calm down."

We heard a scream, and without much though, ran to the source. The shooter had barged into a classroom filled with brand-new students. Baring my teeth, I ran towards him, but Tia slid under his legs, sprung to her feet and spun around. What I saw shocked me.

She raised her left arm as her body became covered in Void Light. It coalesced before her forearm and the shooter squeezed off a shot. The shield absorbed the bullet and Tia used the momentum to spin around and throw the shield at him, just like what I did to Atheon.

It hit him in the head and he was flung back, slamming into the wall behind us. Blood trickled out of his nose and I saw the other two shooters round the corner. What I saw made my eyes go wide. One of them had a belt fed machine gun!

They opened fire, but Tia skid in with her shield and blocked the bullets. Her Super ended and I popped two bullets in their knees. Swiftly, Tia and I bound them up and radioed in.

"Glynda, this is Sam. We just apprehended three shooters. Check for more."

"Understood. Tend to any of the wounded."

Tia cuffed them to a close-by pole and kept her eye on them, remembering how Roman escaped from us the first time. I walked back into the room and the students gazed at me in awe. I ignored them.

"Is anyone hurt?"

They shook their heads and I smiled. Glynda came around and took the shooters off our hands, then dismissed us early. Smiling, we headed back to our dorm.

Luke plopped down onto his bed, hands behind his head. "I love field work. I will only be the Hunter Vanguard if Cayde dies and no one has taken the Dare!"

We looked at one another, then at Luke. "Looks like someone just initiated the Dare..."

He shot up. "Wha-! Oh, for f-!"

"Tut tut tut! No fowl language here!" Erica cut him off.

Luke grumbled and buried his face in his pillow. "I hate you."

Tia's grin became huge. "Aw, I love you too!"

His response was to flip her off.

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