Return of the King

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Luke's PoV:

I was sitting on my bed, waiting for Sam to come back from convincing Ozpin to let us leave school for a bit when a quiet knock came from the door. Tia was busy sleeping, Sam (as stated earlier) was out of the room and Erica was DEEP in meditation. Nothing can snap her outta her meditation if she gets into it!

Grumbling, I put down my book and got up. "Who is it?"

"Uh, it's Ruby. Is-. Is now a bad time?"


"Uh, what? Y'know, hang on."

I opened the door to see RWBY, and JNPR waiting outside the door. They blinked at me exactly the same time which kinda creeped me out. I let them in and they took notice of Tia and Erica detached from the world. Ruby sat on Tia's bed, Yang on Sam's, Weiss stood next to Erica, Blake sat on my bed (which made me bite my lip), Jaune stood kinda close to Weiss, Pyrrah sat in a chair, looking at the room, Nora somehow got onto the ceiling and Ren was sighing and shaking his head at her.

Ruby twiddled her thumbs. "So, uh. Wh-who was that robot that saved Tia? It looked like you guys knew it."


"Eep!" Ruby lept up, hand flying for her missing weapon.

I looked behind me to see Eris. Erica stole my words.

"Eris, why are you here?"

Slowly, the Warlock rose to face the Hunter. Eris gazed at her with her three eyes.

"I felt the awakening of the Hive. Something is coming, and I fear we may not be able to stop it."

The kids were absolutely lost as they watched this exchange between Hidden happen. Sam walked in and froze, giving me a confused look.

I shrugged and watched as Eris slowly turned her head towards me.

"Speaking of Hive..."

"Eris, not. My. Fault. Cayde's drive failed!"

"I am not talking about that, nor looking at you. I am interested in the girl behind you."

Confused, I turned around to see Weiss. "You mean Weiss?"

"Yes, her."

Tia had woken up and all four of us exchanged confused looks as I stepped aside. Eris practically glided over to Weiss, who began to look around, nervous. Eris backed Weiss up into the wall and without thinking, Ace of Hearts was in my hands as Handcannons were in the hands of the others.

"Eris...." warning was in Erica's voice.

Eris got real close to Weiss and I watched as she drew out the fragment of Willbreaker she kept. Weiss began to twitch and we watched in horror as her eyes turned green and her body began to jerk. Eris swiftly pinned Weiss to the wall as she put the dark relic away.

"Just as I thought. Part of Oryx's worm has bonded with you."

Sam, Tia, and Erica dropped their guns as I leveled mine at Weiss, wary. Eris glanced at me.

"Put the weapon down, Hunter. If you don't, we may lose her."

Weighing my options, I put my trusty sidekick away and we watched as Weiss's eyes slowly returned to normal. Eris let go of her and Weiss pressed a hand to her temple.

"Ugh, wh-what happened? I-. I remember you cornering me and you pulled something out. Wh-what was it?"

We looked at Eris, expecting an explanation. She sighed.

"I shall explain, but is there somewhere we can go with more room? Preferably alone."

We nodded and led her to a classroom. Once everyone was in, we locked the doors and watched as Eris made her way to the teacher's desk.

"Let us start from the beginning. It all started when they," she pointed at us Guardians, "entered the Hellmouth, looking to kill Crota, son of Oryx."

Ruby cut in. "There's that word again. Oryx. Who is he?"

Eris glared at the girl. "I'll get to that. Now, those four succeeded in killing Crota in his own Realm using the Logic of the Sword, but tragedy struck. She," Eris pointed right at Erica, "had part of Crota's worm embed itself into her arm."

Erica began to rub her left arm uncomfortably as she muttered something. Seems like the Prince is giving her trouble.

"Now, he is subject to her will. However, if she loses control, Crota will be able to take over and use her Light, as terrifying a thought that is."

Blake crossed her arms. "But where does Oryx fit into all this?"

"A year after Crota was defeated, his father arrived and started laying waste to the outer reaches of our solar system. The Reef, home of the Awoken, attempted to fight him, but they were almost wiped out. However, their attack provided our Guardians useful info: the range of Oryx's dreadnaught. Oryx, safe in his dreadnaught orbiting Saturn, began to Take whoever he can, but it wasn't enough. They were able to secure a landing point on the Dreadnaught and from there, they raided the ship and fought against the Taken King himself. After a long grueling battle, they managed to defeat Oryx, but he Took himself. This obviously didn't sit well with them, so using Crota, they chased after Oryx, braving the Darkness itself, and they pulled the King back to our realm. With burning Light, they destroyed Oryx once and for all. Or so we thought. His worm has apparently dug itself into you." Eris looked right at Weiss.

"I don't remember any worms digging into me; you'd think I'd remember that sort of thing." She pouted.

Erica gazed at Weiss. "I said the same thing when I was told that Crota's worm entered me. The worm makes you forget when you bonded, allowing it more control over you. The being that owns the worm can nudge your subconscious, making you do certain things for it to gain power. Then, when the time is right, it yanks away your free will and destroys you as a person. Then the Hive in question can morph your body into whatever it wants. But now that you've been awoken to the revelation of this... second soul, if you will, they've been locked out of your body, unless you let them. Now it's the 'easier-said-than-done' task of harnessing Oryx. It' tough; not even I've been able to fully control Crota."

Weiss took all of this in and gazed at her hands. Sam sighed, then turned to Tia, Erica and me. "Listen. Oz has given u the green light to return to the Tower. He wants us back in a week, though."

Erica consulted her Ghost. "That'd be right before the Vytle Festival."

Tia smirked and slammed her fists together in a similar way to how Yang does. "I'd love to show those students how to really fight!"

Sam rolled his eyes at his sister's brash behavior, but he smiled none the less. "Yeah yeah, ramble on. But seriously, it'd be nice to see Felwinter Peak again."

We all nodded, then left. Summoning our ships, we took to orbit, then flew home. It was night when we arrived.

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