The Headmaster's Secret(s)

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Sam's PoV:

I landed our ship on the edge of the cliff by Beacon. Several Atlas soldiers along with various students jumped at our sudden appearance. Transmatting out of the ship, the soldiers aimed their rifles at us, but lowered them when Glynda held out her hand.

"Who are you?"

Tia, Erica, Luke and I took off our helmets while Staker-5 kept his Graviton Forfeit on. Everyone shifted their aim to our Exo buddy.

"We know those four, but who are you?"

Luke stepped in front of him. "A friend of mine."

The soldiers looked at Glynda and she gave them the signal to stand down. They scattered, going back to their patrol paths and Glynda looked at us.

"We've been waiting. You're ab-"

I took a step forwards. "We are in no condition to fight, Glynda. As a matter of fact, we need to see Ozpin. Now."

Ozpin, like he knew what was going on, appeared before us, a... bond on his arm? "The Traveller has been captured, hasn't it?"

We looked at each other, then nodded.

"I knew it."

Tia tilted her head. "How?"

Ozpin simply smiled and waved for us to follow. As we did, I narrowed my eyes. Something's not right. Why does Ozpin have a bond on? Is he hiding something?

We ended up in his office and the first thing we noticed was a Ghost resting on his desk. Pointing at it, I glared at him.

"Where did you get that?"

Ozpin sat down in his chair and motioned for us to sit down as well. The others sat while I stood, glaring.

"Ozpin. We want answers. Now."

He continued to smile as he calmly poured a cup of hot chocolate. "You see... I felt the loss of Light." He glanced up. "And I know about the raids."

Luke, Tia, and Erica shot up defensively while Stalker-5 fizzled away and appeared next to Ozpin, knife to the Headmaster's throat.

Ozpin spoke with the patience of a saint. "How I know about them is because of her." He waved to the Ghost.

Stalker-5 pressed his knife against Ozpin's throat more. "You never answered Sam's question, sir." His voice made my spine quiver in fear and venom was poured into the word "sir".

Ozpin calmly pushed the knife away. "I obtained this Ghost when it found me as a boy."

We all froze with confusion.

The man before us chuckled. "You can imagine my surprise when I was told that I had become a warrior of Light. But, that isn't the end of it."

"Oz, you sure about this?" Qrow had somehow snuck up on us, flask in his hand.

Ozpin sighed. "Yes, Qrow. Also, could you please take a break from drinking? For just a second?"

Qrow froze, flask tipped to the ceiling. He gazed at it (which had run dry), gave Ozpin a curious look, then put it away.

Ozpin smiled. "Thank you. Now, you already know that I am a Guardian. But, that is not the only thing I hide."

We crossed our arms. "Kinda assumed that when Ghost's scans showed a hidden vault under the tower."

His eyes widened for a brief moment, then returned to normal. "Is that so?"

We gave him the look. He sighed.

"I understand you don't trust me, but listen. When I told young Ruby that I've made more mistakes than any man, woman or child here on Remnant, I was not exaggerating. I've been... cursed."

This grabbed Stalker and Erica's attention. Speaking of Erica, she took a step forwards. "Cursed? By the Hive?"

"No. By the gods."

We all tilted our heads. Ozpin went into a lengthy explanation of the gods of Light and Dark and something clicked in me.

"Wait, you said there were two gods, right?"

"Yes, Light and Dark."

"And they were brothers?"

Ozpin nodded.

I took a step back. "Oh no..."

Everyone looked at me. "What?"

"We've seen the God of Light."

Their eyes widened. "The Traveller!"

Ozpin's face grew grim. "Yes. The Traveller is the God of Light. And it didn't sacrifice itself to stop the Darkness, it sacrificed itself to-."

Tia knew what he was going to say. "-stop the Grimm, am I right?"

He nodded. "Yes."

After a brief moment of silence, Ozpin explained how he and his Ghost were cursed with everlasting life for failing to stop Salem in the past.

Ozpin rested his head in his hands as Qrow seemingly vanished. "I hope you'd understand why we'd be... reluctant to tell you this."

I stepped forwards. "Ozpin, we understand. We were reluctant to reveal our roles as Guardians to RWBY and JNPR, too. But... your Ghost. Is she okay?"

Ozpin gazed at his silent Ghost. "I believe so. But, I fear that she won't awake until something tragic happens to us, so..." His hand drifted to her motionless shell.

Wrapping his fingers around her, he picked up his Ghost in his hand and offered her to us.

"Take her and keep her safe. You will know when to return her, I promise."

I took the Ghost and carefully slipped her into my pocket. Leaving his office, we took the elevator down and walked to our dorm, eyes heavy with fatigue. Bad thing was, we passed in front of an open door.

Ruby appeared before us in a flurry of rose petals. "You're back!"

Tia gave her a lazy wave.

Ruby noticed our tired looks. "You all look so tired... Wh-what happened?"

Without thinking, we entered their dorm and recounted the tale. They all had looks of empathy and they diverted their gazes.

"That's terrible..." Yang shifted her focus to me.

I gave a nod, then fell asleep. In my sleep, I felt someone lift me up and place me in a bed. Then, I had a vision.

Boom. I actually have more chapters ready behind this one, but no matter how many times you beg, I won't release them early!

Anyways, have fun guessing what the vision is about!

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