The New Apartment

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You set the last of your boxes down on the floor of your new 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment.

"Feels like i'm missing something.." You ponder, before realizing that you forgot your husky, Blu, was outside of the door.

Opening it, you see her sitting there patiently. As soon as you open it, she rushes inside and gives a joyful bark.

"Shh, now. We don't want to wake the neighbors," you said while smiling at her.
It was 1:33am.

And boy, were you exhausted from moving all day. Falling down on your new couch and closing your eyes, you sighed.

"I hope my neighbors won't be loud or anything. I'm so tired.." Falling asleep, Blu suddenly jumped on top of you, waking you up.

"AH!" You shouted, then immediately covered your mouth in regret. "Oops.." you whispered.

She curled up on you, seemingly tired as well. As both of you drifted off to sleep, you smiled, because you had the whole place to yourself.

The next morning, you woke up around 10:00am. Blu is wandering around, whining.

"Shit!" you exclaimed, realizing you forgot to put out food and water.

While you rushed to gather the dog food and find a bowl in one of your many boxes, you hear a knock at the door.
Sighing and opening the door, your eyes go wide.

It was Tom Holland.

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