Chapter Twenty One

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"Are you ready for California?"

"Huh?" You said sleepily, rubbing your eyes.

"We leave tonight," Tom replied.

Sitting up, you nodded and yawned.


You turned around and smiled at him, then got out of bed and realized you had nothing on but a very oversized hoodie that almost went down to your knees, and some underwear.
Tom had nothing but boxers on.
He smiled softly and winked at you.
You blushed immensely, even though you've seen him dressed like that before and wink at you.

But that wink and smile.


Covering your face with the long sleeves for awhile, your heart eventually calmed down and you put some shorts on.
Tom got dressed as well, gave you a kiss on the head, and went out of the bedroom.
You stretched while walking out of the room, and accidentally tripped on a suitcase.



You'd hit your head on the dresser, and just lied there for a few minutes, though you were still conscious.

"Darling? Y/n!"

Tom immediately rushed over to you and put his hand under your head.

"Are you alright?!" He panicked.

You sat up slowly, rubbing your head.

"Y-yeah, I think so.." You replied, now a bit dizzy.

Tom kindly helped you up.

"Ow, goddamn it," You suddenly said after putting pressure on your right foot, and winced in pain. "Ugh."

"Are you alright? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" Tom seemed very concerned.

"N-no, I'm alright. I think i just sprai- OW!" You yelled, accidentally putting pressure on it again.

"Let's go to the hospital, y/n," He replied.

"N-no, really, I'm okay. Can you help me over to the couch, though?" You were stubborn, no doubt about that. But you weren't about to deal with going to the hospital for just your foot.
You knew it wasn't broken, and you could still move it.

He nodded reluctantly and helped you over to the couch, getting a pillow for your head and laying you down.

"Thank you," You said, sitting up a bit to kiss him.

"D-do you need some ice?" He offered.

"That'd be lovely, dear," You replied with a soft smile.

He raced to get you one, and when he came back he placed it gently on your foot.

"If it gets too bad, please tell me," He then said, still worried about you.

"Don't worry, I will," You responded with a reassuring smile.

He calmed down a bit and sat next to you.

"Still want to go to California?"

"Of course," You said.

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