Chapter Twenty Four

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•Two hours later•

"Okay, I'll see you then," You heard Tom say, before ending a phone call.

"Everything alright?" You asked, curious.

"Yeah, of course. Hey, would you like another week here?" He replied, a smile on his lips. He knew you'd be happy to hear that.

"Of course!" You smiled brightly, before realizing something. "Wait, but don't you have to go back to Queens for filming?"

"Nope! Turns out we're filming some of it here."

You both smiled at each other.

"Well, ready to go?" You asked, picking up a bag and swinging it over your right shoulder.

"Yep!" He replied, holding your right hand with his left, and using his right hand to hold the dog's leashes.

You went the back way out of the hotel, so you could take a nice walk there without being disturbed.

On the way, a few fans of his came up to take pictures with him, but you had yet to see any paparazzi that would ruin your beach day for sure.
Tessa and Blu ran off playing, but didn't go too far.

You proceeded to lay two towels down on the soft sand, and an umbrella above them, placed so it would block out the sun.

"Are you sure I can't help?" Tom offered, seeing as your foot was still not healed and you were doing everything. He felt a bit guilty.

"I'm alright, it's just some towels and an umbrella," You replied, giving him a reassuring smile.

He smiled back. "Okay."

He came closer and wrapped his arm around your waist as you headed off towards the water.

You looked back to find both Tessa and Blu had lied down on Toms and your towels, and giggled a bit, as Tom chuckled.

As the waves come and go against your legs, you put one hand on Tom's chest as he pulls you close.

You feel the way the waves pull the sand from under your feet, as if you were sinking as you walk along the shoreline with him.
Hearing the waves crash against each other, you smile, and close your eyes before coming to a stop.
There's a beautiful silence as you stand with him on this private beach, looking out onto what seems like the infinite water as the sun reflects off the ocean, seemingly making it glow.

You took a deep breath in, feeling the salty air fill your lungs, then exhaled softly.

Tom looked at you, seeing the way you stared out onto the ocean, seeing the calming blue reflected in your beautiful eyes.

He placed a finger under your chin, making you look up at him.
You smiled with great beauty, and he kissed you with great passion. You wrapped your arms around his neck softly, his hand on your back as you leaned back a bit.

As the lovely kiss came to an end, you just lovingly looked into each other's eyes for a bit. His amazing brown eyes swirled with love for you, and you knew that well.

"I love you," He whispered, closing his eyes.

You closed your eyes softly as well.

"I love you too."

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