Chapter Twenty

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•The next day•

"Tom, come oooooon!"

You two were hanging out in your apartment, when Tom suddenly got up.

"Just give me a sec, love!" He called back.

You figured he was in the bathroom.

"Come on, this show is getting good! I wanna keep watching it!" You called out again.

Just as you finished talking, Tom walked out of the bathroom and jumped onto your couch from behind it.

"I swear, one of these days you're gonna break this couch," You commented with a small chuckle, looking at him. "You break it, you buy it!"

"But it's so much fun," He replied, basically pouting.

You rolled your eyes and giggled, then unpaused the show.
Tessa was sitting to the right of Tom, with you on his left. Blu was laying on the floor, entertained with the bone she was so happily gnawing on.
You reached over to pet Tessa, and she put her head into your hand. Smiling, you pet her and then continued watching the show.
She rested her head on Toms leg, seemingly now calm and quiet.

"Someone missed you," You said, looking at Tessa and then at Tom.

"Yeah," He replied, petting her. "I'm gonna miss her."

"We could always bring her, you know. I'm sure California is big enough for at least one more dog."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah. Let's take her with us, too. We'll have and have had plenty of dog-free trips," You said with a small smile.

"Alright, then," He responded, clearly a bit happier.

You smiled brightly seeing how happy he was, and kissed him on the cheek, before returning to the show.

•An hour later•

"I'm tired," You complained, while turning over onto your back so your head was rested against Tom's leg.

Tessa and Blu were fighting each other on the ground.

"Want to go to bed, darling?" Tom suggested, as you closed your eyes.

"I don't wanna get uppp," You complained again.

He gave a small chuckle at your response.
Your breathing got slower and calmer, as you drifted off to sleep..

"AH!" Tom yelled before shaking your shoulders, jolting you awake.

You screamed and then covered your mouth, before hitting his arm playfully.

"Not funny!" You whined, while turning over onto your stomach and then sitting up.

Tom was laughing hysterically.

"Hmph. I'm gonna get you back one day," You said, sassy.

You got up and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind you a bit loudly.
Tom followed you in there shortly after, closing the door softly as not to wake you.

He climbed into bed with you and rubbed your back, before falling asleep himself a few minutes later.

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