Chapter Seven

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You smiled, your cheeks becoming a bit red.

"Well thank you," you replied, not really knowing what to say.

'Tom thinks i'm beautiful? God, this is a long-ass dream,' You thought to yourself, as you drizzled syrup on your pancakes and took a bite.

"How are you doing?" Tom asked, a bit concerned about you. "You seemed pretty tired last night.."

"I'm doing better. You help a lot," You replied looking up at him, smiling kindly.

"Glad to hear it," He responded, again giving you a lovely smile.

'Good lord, he's amazing. I can't believe I'm eating breakfast with TOM HOLLAND.' While thinking this, you smiled to yourself.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked with a mouthful of pancakes, a small chuckle between words.

"Close your mouth, silly," You giggled. "And its just.. I'm eating breakfast casually with /you/. I mean, I never thought i was going to meet you, but here i am, in your apar-" You were cut off by Toms phone ringing.

"Sorry, darling. I have to take this," He said apologetically, before excusing himself to his bedroom.

You had finished your breakfast before Tom came back out. Deciding you should do something nice, you realized he had finished as well.
'I should do the dishes. Its the least i can do for him,' You thought to yourself, realizing just how much Tom had helped you, whether he knew it or not.

Getting up out of your seat, you grabbed both of the plates and sat them in the sink. You washed them off, put them in the dishwasher and grabbed a hand towel to dry your hands with. Putting it back after drying your hands, you turned around to see Tom coming out of his room, now dressed.

"Everything okay?" You asked, wondering what happened.

"Yeah yeah, i'm so sorry but i've got to go, they need me on set. I didn't know we were shooting today. Will you be alright here?" He spoke apologetically again, though giving you a hopeful smile.

'Wait.. stay here? In his apartment? Oh my god.'

"Y-yeah of course," you managed to stutter. "Thank you for everything," You called out to him as he rushed out the door.

"No problem darling," He called back, closing the door behind him. And there was that smile again.

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