Chapter 10

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Reader Discretion is advised. This Chapter contains very graphic violence and sexual context so If you find that disturbing you may skip this chapter.

Mason...wait does this mean that we're official together?

I open my eyes and seen Mason sleeping next to me.
I gasp as I clench onto the cover over my chest.

The memories of last night came rushing in.

I confess that I liked him.
He confessed he liked me.
Mason likes me! MASON LIKE ME!

I stare at Mason while he sleeps.

He's so cute.

I leaned closer to him to get a better look.

He's really hot

Mason smirks with his eyes close
"Enjoying the view?"
I leaned back. "N-no" I said nervously. He sat up as he revealed his naked chest. "No?" He asked with a grin.

I pointed to his chest "W-Why don't you have a shirt?!" I told him nervously. He looks down than back at me. "Does it really bother you?" He asked.

I glance at his chest "N-no but—" I look up at him, smirking. "Yes! Yes! It does bother me! Wear a shirt" I got up and walked to the kitchen.

I sighed as I opened the fridge. I paused as I noticed something strange. I looked up and seen two tall scary men standing behind my porch door. "Mason!" I yelled. He comes out running out the room, putting his shirt on. "Run to the car, now" He yells.

As the two men break through the glass. I threw my hand over my head as Mason grab my hand and pulls me under the counter. 

The two men begin shooting in our direction. 

I let out a squeal as I keep my head under. 

"Stay here" Mason says. I nod as he grabs a cutting board and a knife. 

He uses the board as a shield and throws the knife to one of the men and pins it in his chest. 

He then stands and runs to the other one and uses the board to wack him across the head making the guy gun escape his fingers and roll off. 

Mason begins punching and fighting him. 

They continue to fight each other as I try to crawl away from the counter. 

"Where you're going, sweetheart" a strange creepy voice says from under me. 

My feet suddenly gets caught. I look down and see the one who chest is bleeding holding my leg back and pushing me toward him. 

"You're staying with me" He continues. 

"You wish!" I start to kick my feet from under his touch. 

"Let me go!" I yell as I gather up all my strength and give him one good kick in the face. 

He yells in pain "You stupid bitch!" 

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