Chapter 17

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Reader Discretion is advised. This chapter contains very violent and gruesome context that many readers may find upsetting. You are free to not read. 

Mason POV

A week later...

I step out from the basement, all bloody. 

I walk in the Kitchen where everyone is in. 

I can feel the awkward silence in the air. 

"Still nothing?" Carter asks. 

"No" I tell him bluntly with no emotion. 

"Mason..." Ruby says with a concern in her voice. 

"You haven't visited Mila grave at all this week with me and Walter and promised you would've." She adds. 

I go to the cabinet and start looking around "I'm busy trying to find the motherfucker, whose in charge of doing this shit." I raise my voice in anger. I look back at her with a terrified face. 

I look at everyone staring back at me. 

"I think it's perfectly healthy for Mason trying to move on" Alice says as she walks toward me and wraps her arm around mine.

Alex rolls his eyes. "Jesus Christ Alice, do you have no self-respect. Mila died a week ago and you're already trying to get at Mason, He doesn't like you" 

"Do me a favor, Alex and Shut up. I have more self-respect Mila can ever have" Alice blurts out. 

I look down at Alice and I can feel my blood boiling. I push her arm off me. I grip her neck and begin to choke her. "How dare you speak about Mila like that?!"I yell at her. 

I stare at her as she struggles to breathe. I can feel my grip getting tightly between her neck. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Walter. "Let's go get justice for Mila" he says. 

I look back at Alice 

I feel like killing her. But she isn't worth it. 

I drop her from my hand. I stare at her as she holds her neck and coughs. 

"I'll help too. Justice for Mila" Alex says. 

"Me too" Ruby adds.

"Let's go downstairs and get some answers" Carter blurts out. 

Janette walks past Alice with crossed arms "That was low even for you" 

We head downstairs to the basement. 

Walter and Alex untie the one with jokes who seems like the leader and sits him down in a 'Special Chair' 

They moved the other one in front of him, to watch. 

"Ladies we have been here for a week already, why don't yall just give up and tell us the name of your Alpha," I tell him with a smile. 

The one on the special coughs up blood and spit it on the floor "Never" 

I raise my eyebrow and nod "Alright" 

I grab the pliers from the stand and walk over to the special chair. 

I signal Walter and he goes and takes off his pants and boxers. 

As his testicles drop from the chair hole, I grab the pliers and chop off his testicles. 

He begins to scream loudly in pain. 

I stand up and walk to his friend. "So how bout it? You're gonna tell me or you want to be left unable to produce babies like your friend here" I tell him with a stern voice.

He looks at me terrified "You're a Psycho dude! What the fuck" 

I put the pliers up to his face "I'm waiting" I tell him. 

"Alright, Alright. I'll tell you" He says in surrender as his voice shakes in fear. 

"It's Armon" he blurts out. 

"Armon?!" I look up at Carter. 

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