PART 2: Turn over a new leaf

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(y/n) P.O.V

 Finally, school is over. I am so glad the school is over. Just before I could celebrate, I receive a text from All Might.

ALL MIGHT: (y/n), I need you to see me at the front gate.

Gate? What gate? I texted All Might.

ALL MIGHT: (y/n), I need to you to see me at the front gate.

(Y/N): Do you mind telling me, which gate?!

I waited for awhile. Then I received another text.

ALL MIGHT: (y/n), I need you to see me at the front gate.

(Y/N): Do you mind telling me, which gate?!

ALL MIGHT: At the U.A. high school, front gate.

  After I read the text from All Might, I was getting ready to teleport when someone shouted my name. It was Izuku. My heart pounded. What's wrong with me!!

"Hey (y/n), are you going home by feet? May... Maybe we should walk together."

  Izuku was blushing when he asked me to walk together. I felt sorry for him. He always dreamed to be a hero. But he is a quirkless boy. There's nothing he could do. Unless....

" I'm sorry, Izuku. I have something to do. I wish I could..."

   Izuku was speechless for a minute. Then he told me..

" That's okay. I understand."

   He gave me a bright smile. It made me happy and sad at the same time. I smiled back and teleport to U.A. I waved goodbye. So did he. Finally, I was at U.A. I waited for All Might to come.

Time skipped~

It's been two hours. No sign of All Might.

  Suddenly,I saw an attack that had happen at the streets. But I don't care. I only care WHEN IS ALL MIGHT GONNA COME!!!! Is he taking care about the attack and forgotten about me?! I'm gonna beat the crap out of him. I teleported to the scene and saw other pro heroes who was taking care of the situation.

Where's All Might? I looked around and saw him in his weak form. What is he doing?? There's no way the other pro heroes can handle that... That... Smug villain.( IDK HIS NAME) Then I saw Kacchan?? His the VICTIM?! I'm confused. Then I looked at All Might and tried to read his mind.


Looks like he lost track of the time. Do I have to deal with the villain myself then? I can't let anybody know me or identify me. But before I can act, I saw Izuku running toward the villain and tried to freed Kacchan. Oh shit! I wanted to act but...... before I could, I feel an energy from All Might and heard him say..


Then he transform into his hero form and used One For All at the villain. I also heard, what All Might told Izuku.

" The lesson I teach you with... I should practice what I preach. A pro should always be ready to risk his life!!! "

And with that he used Detroid Smash. Both, Izuku and Kacchan fainted. Looks like they were exhausted. It rained because of the pressure that were caused by All Might. Everyone cheered for him.

Afterwards, the heroes collect all the villain's scattered body. Seems like the police managed to get him into custody. The heroes were all mad at Izuku. Kacchan, on the other hand got all the praised.

Of course, I want to screamed at All Might cause he forgot to meet me at U.A but.... I think I should give him a break after he saved Izuku and Kacchan. I went to the store to buy cooking supplies, so I could cook for All Might.

Time skipped~

" (y/n), I'm home."

   I can hear the door opened as All Might returned. I just finished cooking and getting ready for dinner.

"Hey, where have you been? I've been waiting like two hours at U.A." I asked
with a creepy smile. All Might was frightened after hearing what I said. But then he was surprised after seeing many food was served at the dining table. "Did you bought all of this?" I was getting angrier but ignored it. " NO! I cooked it! So just sit down and help me finish it!!!!"I screamed and he was surprised again.
(guess why? Hehehe)

"(y/n), you.. you didn't cursed this time. I am so happy with you."

   It's true about the fact, that I'm trying to avoid saying cursed words. I just wanna change myself because I'm turning into a grown woman so.. I had to. I think?

Toshinori's P.O.V

    I was shocked and happy that (y/n) is changing her behaviors. Will she even considering calling me DAD?? No.. She won't call me as  a dad. She thinks me as a stranger who didn't saved her parents earlier. I felt weak and pathetic. I hope she forgive me. Oh, I almost forgot to say it.

"(y/n), I have some great news! I have found my successor."

    She was shocked to hear the news. She then asked me who.

"Well, he is someone who you recognize. He has a dark green hair."

   (y/n)'s eye lit up. I can see that she was happy. She hugged me. It... It was the first time, she ever hug me. I'm so happy.

"Really? You pass your quirk to... Izuku?"

  She was filled with tears. Does she like him? She never cared about anyone in her life. Including me.

" Yes, that is true! But why are so excited? As far as I know, you never cared about anyone in your life. Do you like him???"

    I smirked when I saw (y/n)'s face turned red. She tried to hid her face out of embarrassment. I laughed so hard that our neighbor thought I was All Might. Well it was true, but I had to hid my identity. Then all of the sudden, (y/n) slap me!!!

" Stop laughing or the neighbor will seriously think you're All Might."

    Her eyes turned dark. I felt a cool breeze when I looked at her. A few minutes later, it went back to normal. We ate together. We practice together. I also helped her with her homework. When did I ever became smart?? We became a normal happy family. I never felt as a family when I had to take care of (y/n). She was cold and sometimes a jerk. No offense. But I knew why. So I can't judge. It's a cruel world for (y/n).n

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