Part 12: USJ attack (Part 2)

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Your P.O.V

I telepoted to the flood zone and saw Izuku in the water. I want to help him but I told Tomura that I won't disturb him... So I just sit down and see. Then a villain shark came and tried to kill him. If it wasn't for Tsuyu, he would have been dead. I was relief for a second. I also saw Tsuyu carrying Mineta. He disgust me for his pervert attitude. I teleport to other zone to see the other student.  Uh.. looks like Todoroki is too strong for the villains. In the other hand, Ida and the others who wasn't being warped  are worried.

ida's P.O.V

" Where's everyone?! Can we confirm their location?!"

I looked around trying to find my other classmate..

"They've been scattered, but they're all in the facility."

Thirteen answered my question but I'm still worried.

" Physical attacks are no good. He just warps away...!! This guy's quirk is too tough to handle!! "

I thought... 

" class president! "

I heard Thirteen called me, so I immediately answered. 

" Yes!! "

Then Thirteen started to give me an assignment.

" Your job is to run back to school and report on what's happening. The alarms haven't sounded and the phones aren't working. Not only that, (y/n) isn't here. Whoever is interfering with the system must have hidden themselves and (y/n) is fighting with the villains.... "

I wasn't sure of the idea.

" That being the case, your going back is our best option! "

I was so worried about my classmates that it made me think that I shouldn't abandon them.

"The class president can't very well abandon his class-"

before I can finish my sentence Sato cut my line.

" He said go! Out the emergency exit!! There are alarms on the outside, which means that these guys must only be causing trouble in here!! "

"So if you make it out, they can't follow you! Shake off that mist man with that speed of yours!!"

Sero added. Then, Thirteen told me.. no.. beg me.

" Please, use your quirk to save us all. "

Your P.O.V

Tch, use your quirk to save US all?! Is he crazy?! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! I could imagine what Kurogiri can do to him! Then I got an idea. I used the walkie talkie that kurogiri gave me, just in case I had any problem. 

" Hey, Kuro. I have a plan. You want All Might, right? I'm gonna walk through the door. Then they will definitely scream and ask me to call the reinforcement. Instead doing that, I'm gonna go to All Might. I'll give you 5 minute then I'm gonna call the reinforcement, it will give 3 minutes extra. Is that enough time for you?"

" Great plan, (y/n)! Your dad will be proud of you. "

Than that means yes. I teleported to the entrance and open the door. Ida who saw me quickly yelled.

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