Chapter 2

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Picture is your dad in the Naruto world.


Age: 2


"Mom, can i have a shuriken to practice with?" You asked and your mother, again, got surprised by how mature you acted already. "Katsumi those are dangerous, you should go play while you can. You only have so much time before you join the academy and practically give your life to the village." She explained drying her hands after turning off the sink.

You appreciated how you weren't baby talked anymore as you had requested that yourself. They were strangely accepting, you'd originally thought they'd be creeped out. "I just wan't to get a head start, and i don't like wasting time playing." You explained and she smirked.

"Are you sure your not just trying to impress Itachi?" You shook your head with a dead pan expression. "If i don't have enough time to play with toys why would i for showing off? Plus i don't wanna seem like a jerk." She sighed and put her hands on her hips. "Fine you win, just be careful. And loose come of the attitude mister." She handed you a shuriken from the pouch of weapons she kept on her at all times.

"Yes ma'am and thank you." You said, walking out the back door into your backyard. You took a piece of wood and used all the might in your chubby small body to set it up against a tree. Then you went inside and got a piece of chalk to draw a target.

In the middle of practicing your neighbor an elderly woman walked out to take down her laundry. You had just threw your shuriken almost hitting the center and had went to retrieve it. "Why hello, Katsumi! Are you playing with some new toys?" She asked in a sweet voice. Not that many people besides your family and your parents friends knew about how much older you acted.

You were usually quiet around strangers so they usually got the impression you were a shy kid. "No, it's real. I'm practicing so i can enter the academy early." You explained and looked at how her jaw had dropped not expecting you to talk so well or be actually have a real shuriken. "O-okay.. you have fun." She said in a frail voice with a small wave and decided to get her laundry later and instead go inside and tell her husband what had happened in disbelief.

You ignored her and continued, you knew for a fact it wasn't abnormal for kids here to be smarter and stronger but you might've just given her a fright in some way. You were hoping your parents would let you enroll in the academy with your brother when he did as you didn't want to be in a room of little kids. With him you'd have an excuse to get away from anyone.

You were glad you did that research the night you were 'killed' otherwise you'd be a lot more confused on how this place worked. Grabbing the shuriken you stepped back to throw it again. You aimed for the center and threw it but missed due to the sudden sound of a baby crying. Naruto must've woken up.

Something you were going to make sure to change was how Naruto had grew up with very few people caring for him. Abd even they didn't get to spend much time with him. So after Kurama attacked the village, and thankfully no one in your family was killed, you suggested to your mother to take in Naruto so he had someone to love him since his parents had died protecting him.

Your mother was naturally surprised by what you had suggested but agreed and asked the third Hokage about it. Now, you helped your mother take care of Naruto since you had yet to start going to the academy. You had thought about seeing if you could enroll early but decided to wait until you were eight like most and practice during those years.

You ran inside and say your mom hurrying to finish setting the table. "Mom do you want me to get Naruto?" You asked and she looked up at you and nodded. "If you would sweetie, i would Hisao but he's a bit too energetic with Naruto sometimes i'm afraid he'll drop him." You snorted and started walking down the hallway. "That sounds like him alright." Walking into yours and Naruto's room you picked him up from his crib and carried him into the kitchen.

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