Chapter 6

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Itachi has been added as an official love interest! And i had to edit some things and published the edits because of course i always miss stuff, sorry if you got multiple updates of something ;v;


Age: 11


You stared at the silver haired Jōnin in confusion. He was only twenty-two at the time and he shouldn't start being a Jōnin teacher until next year. "Hey! We had to wait forever for you!" Kouki complained again. "Sorry, i had to help an injured cat on the way here." Kakashi said and Kouki didn't believe it, scowling at the Jōnin. However, Haia, looked at him in . "Such a kind heart." She said and you rolled your eyes. "I didn't really plan this out." Kakashi muttered to himself.

"Meet me on the roof." Kakashi said using the Body Flicker Technique which you did the same. "It's been nine years." You said, sitting on the ground in boredom. "You look old Kakashi." You sat with a smirk waiting for his reaction. Kakashi pretended to be hurt by your words by sighing and saying, "And here i thought I've been aging well." You laughed lightly. "Nah, i'm just messing with ya." You said in an amused tone.

The door to the roof swung open and Kouki stepped on the roof first, panting. "Hah! Beat that grape hair!" He yelled and walked over to you, sitting to the left of you. Haia eventually opened the door, almost falling over. She sat beside you on the right. "What now, sensei?" Kouki asked still out of breath. "Well, first, i'd like to clear up i'm not your sensei." Kakashi said and Kouki's jaw fell.

"Then why the hell did we follow you or you act like you were?!" Kouki asked his purple eyes filled with annoyance. Kakashi sighed at the boys yelling. "You didn't let me explain. Your real sensei, Hyousuke Kita, had to go on a last minute mission. So, the Hokage needed me to fill in for about a week at most." Kakashi explained, the things you made sure to take note of was that your dad would be your sensei and both him and your mother would be gone for about a week.

"Oh..." Kouki said, now embarrassed about his outburst. "So, let's get started by getting to know each other. Go ahead and introduce yourselves." Kakashi said and Haia raised her hand. "I'll go first!" She announced. "My name is Haia Nakano, i'm twelve years old, dream to be a powerful kunoichi like Tsunade, like candy, and i don't like spiders." When she finished she gasped for air after saying it all at once. "You have big dreams, that's always good. Means you're a high achiever." Haia's eyes lit up at Kakashi's words.

She looked at you. "Your turn Katsumi!" Haia said and you nodded. "I'm Katsumi Kita, i'm eleven years old, and dream to always be there for my friends even if they are not. I like swimming, reading, and birds. I dislike my brother, snakes, and fire." You said listing off random dislikes and likes you thought of. "It's good you care for your friends." Kakashi commented and looked at Kouki.

"I'm Kouki Minami." The boy said stubbornly, not giving away any other information. "Stubborn." Was all Kakashi said before stuffed his hands in his pockets looking down at you, Kouki, and Haia. "We'll be doing a survival exercise tomorrow. You'll need your ninja equipment so make sure to bring it. We'll be meeting at five o'clock, and don't eat breakfast. You'll throw up." The Jōnin disappeared and the three of you sat there.

"He's not good at this at all." Kouki commented and you nodded. "Well, i better get home." Kouki said, standing up. "Bye Katsumi, Haia." You waved bye at him and looked at Haia. "Are you nervous?" You asked here and she shook her head. "No! I'm sad he's not our real sensei, he's so cool!" Haia said, stars back in her eyes. "Um.. sure.. i gotta go, promised my brother i'd be home early." Haia only gave an acknowledging nod.


You did as Kakashi said, skipping breakfast and showing up at five in the morning in your ninja gear. You were the first to arrive, Kouki being the next. You had never seen them in any actual ninja gear usually wearing normal clothes to the academy. But how the hell was he going to blend in with? (End one, second row.) "Good morning." He said sluggishly walking up to you. "How are you going to hide?" You asked and he raised a brow. "What?"

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