Chapter 10

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Age: 14


You rubbed your eyes tiredly and rolled over on your side to see the calendar hung up beside your door. It was the day before Kakashi told you the new team would be assigned, this was the third one and the one that Naruto and Sasuke would be on. It was however the day Naruto and Sasuke would graduate.

Getting out of bed you got dressed in your ninja oufit (Second row, center one with the top color changed to a dark green) which had changed from the one you wore when you eleven as you had obviously grown since then. Walking to the academy you stood outside. Some parents were there too, waiting for their children.

When the academy let out you immediately spotted Naruto in the crowd of students due to his bright orange and blue jumpsuit

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When the academy let out you immediately spotted Naruto in the crowd of students due to his bright orange and blue jumpsuit. He didn't seem to notice you as he walked over to the swing on the nearby tree. You were about to walk over to Naruto when you saw Sasuke walking away. You quickly made up the choice to talk to Naruto first.

Naruto being clearly disappointed in himself for not graduating definitely needed someone to talk to and lift his spirits. "Naruto!" You called walking over to the blond who lifted his head. He frowned and looked away from you. "Hey, i'm not going to get mad that you didn't pass." You said sitting on the ground. Naruto didn't respond. "Everyone learns at a different pace." It didn't help that two ladies were talking about him rudely. You sighed and looked beside you hearing someone step beside you.

It was Mizuki. You knew very well what Mizuki would cause and were pissed you have to let it happen. "I should get going. Bye, Naruto." You said standing and gave Mizuki a wave. Catching up to Sasuke you called out to him, "Sasuke!" Getting his attention. "You passed." You said pointing to the newly acquired leaf village headband he had.

"What? Did you think i wouldn't?" He asked and you shook your head. "Of course not." You said and he clenched his fists. "Whatever, i don't need your approval." Sasuke spat and spun around on his heel walking away again. "Sasuke, what's gotten into you?!" You asked aggravated at his attitude which was usually not that bad around you. He didn't answer, instead kept walking.

"You jerk." you muttered and used the Body Flicker Technique to get to his house before him. You only knew the way because you used to walk him home after the massacre had happened. Even if he told you not to you still did it as a way to tell him you'd be there for him even if he didn't like it.

You waited for Sasuke to get there, standing by the door with your arms crossed like an angry mother. When the door slid open Sasuke noticed you immediately, his eyes went wide in surprise and you smirked. "You should learn not to aggravate me, Sasuke."

He glared and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Taking his shoes off he walked past you as if you weren't there, pissing you off even more. "Oi! Don't ignore me!" You said and he turned around. "I'll do whatever i want! Don't act like i'm your best friend, you're just an annoying guy who wont leave me alone!" He yelled. "And stop using me as a replacement for Itachi!"

Now, you weren't joking in anyway or sparing his feelings. "Do you think i'm as selfish as that?" You asked and Sasuke flinched at your sudden change of tone.

"I endured a lot of things by being there for you and Naruto. I could've been selfish and kept to myself, ignoring you and Naruto. Leaving Naruto to have a much more painful childhood and you alone for these three since the massacre. And the year that happened i lost my parents and teammates."

Slipping your shoes on you opened the door, before closing it you looked over your shoulder at Sasuke. "And if we're making accusations, stop using me for a replacement of Itachi. I'm not your brother or a fucking babysitter so grow up." Maybe you were a bit harsh, but Sasuke needed to hear his own words. You went to the training grounds to try and calm down.


You waited in the academy room looking out the window, waiting for Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura. You weren't too thrilled to see Sasuke so soon after yesterday. Naruto however you wanted to see because you hoped nothing changed from the original. Iruka was fine it seemed so you hoped Naruto was too. Hearing the door open you were hoping to see one of your teammates but instead Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru walked in.

"Oh, hey Katsumi, I heard you'd be assigned to Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura's team." Shikamaru said walking towards you. "Yeah, i am." You said, turning around to look at Shikamaru but leaning your body against the window sill. "I thought you were already on replacement team?" He asked and you adverted your eyes, getting memories of your original teammates and father.

"Shikamaru! Couldn't you have tried to not be so rude?!" Ino scolded walking over to the two of you. "It's okay Ino, i'm fine, and it's not Shikamaru's fault." You said with a small smile. "I graduated three years ago, i'm an experienced ninja and should've gotten past it already." Ino looked at you with a look of sympathy and placed her hand on your shoulder.

"This isn't a time to be flirting Ino." Shikamaru said and she looked at him clearly angry before smirking. "Why would i be flirting if i know he's gay, huh? What, are you jealous, Shi-ka-maru?" She said, saying each syllable of his name separately in a taunting way. "No." Shikamaru said calmly and you almost started laughing because Ino looked so awkward after it.

"I do have a replacement team, which i don't actually call them that they're as much as a team as this one, but i'll be switching to this team as my official one since my sensei is teaching it." You explained and Ino said a quiet 'oh' while. "That makes sense." Shikamaru said and you smiled.


"He's late." Naruto said with an annoyed sigh. He opened the door and looked out for Kakashi. "Naruto, sit down!." Sakura told the blond who kept looking out the door. "Why's it that only our squad leader is late?" Naruto asked, turning to you, Sasuke, and Sakura.

"The other squads have gone off somewhere with their new teachers, and Iruka-sensei's also left." Naruto complained and looked at each of you, expecting someone to agree with him. "Don't look at me." Sakura said looking away from Naruto. You gave him a small smile. He reminded you of Kouki, but less violent.

Naruto walked over to the chalk board and picked up the dry-eraser, also dragging a stool over to the door. "Hey, what're you doing Naruto?!" She asked as Naruto placed the eraser between the door and frame at the top. "Hey!" Sakura said, disapprovingly. You were just glad you were here to see this instead of choosing to walk in with Kakashi.

"It'll be his fault because he's late." Naruto said, jumping off the pose and putting his hands on his hips with a grin. "Man! You're asking for it!" Sakura said again in a disapproving voice. "A Jōnin wouldn't get caught in suck a weak trap." Sasuke said and you sighed at them for being so hard on Naruto. "That's right! You're such an idiot!" Sakura scolded Naruto.

Suddenly, you could see a hand begin to open the door. No doubt Kakashi due to the silver hair you saw. The eraser landed on his head, falling to the ground after bouncing off. There was a split second of absolute silence before Naruto started laughing, pointing at Kakashi. You couldn't held but laugh too. "I got him, I got him!" Naruto said through laughs.

"I-I'm sorry, sensei. I tried to stop him, but Naruto did it on his own." Sakura said, hoping her first impression wasn't bad. Kakashi picked up the eraser and place his hand on his chin. "How can i put this? As for my first impression of you guys...?"

"Well, I hate you all."


The update ran away!

Sorry for the lame Pokémon​​​​​​​ references

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