Chapter 9

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Age: 13


You crossed your arms and stared out the window of the classroom. You had to wait until this years students graduated to be placed on a team since all the others weren't suitable. You either got into fights with the teammates and/or sensei which led you to be placed on another. The other thing was you surpassed them too easily and you'd be wasting time training with them since your skill needed to improve. Not have to wait until they get on your level so you could jump ahead again.

Kakashi had taught you some things though. And was actually kind of impressed with the jutsu you made when you were seven. When you weren't training you spent time with Naruto or Sasuke. Sometimes others but mostly those two, to them you were the only person that truly cared for them. Hearing the door slide open to the classroom you figured the students had finished lunch. All of the girls (and a few boys) recognized you instantly and ran over to you.

They asked you to be their boyfriend and what they liked in a girl. "I don't and i won't." You said and they all looked at you confused. "I don't like girls because i'm gay. So sorry i won't be your boyfriend." You said in a sweet voice with an apologetic smile. They all went quiet and slowly walked to their seats to cry mentally. "Hey, you." Said a boy with long brown hair and clear eyes. You were unfazed by his intimidating voice and sighed, looking at Neji.

"I have a name y'know. Just like you, Neji Hyūga." You said smirking and others murmured about who would win if you and Neji got into a fight. But, lucky for him, his new sensei showed up and your temporary one. With a Dynamic Entry of course, and then it was up to the roof. You actually already knew Guy, mainly because you were around Kakashi 24/7 when he had free time to try and train or avoid going home.

"Alright, you've all become Genin as of today, so i'd like to know what you are all aiming for!" Guy said to the three younger kids. Tenten rose her hand first, saying yes several times to be first. "Tenten." Guy called on her and she smiling lowering her hand. "I'd like to become a powerful ninja like the legendary kunoichi Tsunade!" She said happily and Guy looked at the brunet of the group. "And, how about you, Neji?" The others turned to look at him but he looked away. "I don't want to answer..."

Lee quickly raised his hand to be called on next. "I-I'd like to prove that i can become a respectable ninja even though i can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu! That would be the ultimate for me!" Neji snorted at the boys words causing Lee to jump up and point at the other. "You! What's so funny?! I'm serious! I will become a respectable ninja even with only Taijutsu!" Neji didn't answer only proceeding to face away from Lee. He clenched his fists and sat down realizing Neji would just ignore him.

"Katsumi, would you like to introduce yourselves to the others?" Guy asked and you. "Sure." Standing up you looked at your temporary teammates. "My name is Katsumi Kita, i'm only a year older than you but a lot more experienced. I'm being placed on this team temporarily as my sensei doesn't have a team yet and i need to train with others." Neji looked at you from over his shoulder. "What makes you say that you're more experienced?" He asked. "I graduated when i was eleven." You said with slight pride in your voice and Neji stood up as if challenging you.

"How does that prove your point? That's only a year difference then us." There was truth in Neji's words but you just didn't want to say the things you had been through that oddly enough had made you understand this world more. Plus you were technically more than just a year older than him... "True, i just didn't want to say the painful things I've been through." You said with a forced smile and sat back down. Glancing up at Guy who had a look of pity. You were starting to hate that look.

"So when will we do our first mission?" Tenten asked Guy to try and get rid of the tension. "First, we will be doing a survival exercise." Guy said with a smile.


"So did they pass?" Kakashi asked and your eyes lit up. "Yep! I can't wait to start training! Guy-sensei is really good at Taijutsu and i'm definitely gonna kick Neji's ass and show him he's not as tough as he thinks." You said energetically stuffing your hands in your pockets. "Will you ever have your own team Kakashi?" You asked and the Jōnin sighed. "I don't know, I've been a Jōnin for nearly ten years now and haven't been assigned one. It's a possibility though." Kakashi explained. "If i do, you're always welcome to be on it." You smiled at his offer.

"Hey, Kakashi! Come join us for some sweet dumplings!" Guy said from across the street and you leaned back a bit to see past Kakashi. Guy and two other leaf ninja sat at a table together. They seemed to not have noticed you at first but did now. "(Y/N), you can come too!" Guy said and you smiled apologetically following Kakashi as he continued walking.

"What's with him?" You could hear Guy say and you poked Kakashi's arm. "You're such a loner, why don't you socialize more?" You asked and Kakashi and he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "I think it was a lot of different things but mostly being in the ANBU." You nodded understandingly. The ANBU wasn't cut for everyone.

You had to have the skill and also the ability to kill. Which was a lot more than it seemed. You didn't want to think too much about the subject of killing though. It made you feel sick thinking about killing someone without knowing anything about them. Taking their life without knowing if they were simply listening to orders like you were. It was unnerving.


Sorry for any confusion about my typo of putting (Y/N) instead of Katsumi at the beginning of the previous chapter.

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