Chapter 4

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Picture is Kouki

I realize it may seem like i'm adding a lot of characters but they will play into the story. None of them are love interest's though. I also had to fix a problem with ages too in the third chapter, please don't mind that.


Age: 4


"Everyone, we have a new student joining our class." Aito said and everyone started whispering to their friends. Was it a boy or girl? Were they strong? Were they cute? Aito gestured for you to come in. You walked up to beside him and bowed. "Hello, my name is Katsumi Kita." You said. "We know, we know. You're Aito-Sensei's favorite." Sneered a boy who had his arms crossed and feet on the desk.

"Kouki, put your feet down and i don't favor any of you. You're all brats." Aito said bluntly and Kouki glared at you before taking his feet off the desk. "Thank you." Aito said sarcastically and turned to you. "Go pick a seat Katsumi so we can start class." You nodded and looked at your new classmates all of the girls looked at you with hopeful eyes. Praying you'd sit by them.

You spotted Haia and sat beside her. "Today we will be doing a test over chakra, Katsumi you don't have to do it if you don't want to since you didn't get to study." Aito said but you shook your head. "No, i want to take it too." Aito sighed and nodded. Probably because he just offered you a pass on a test and you rejected it.

~~~Towards the end of the year~~~

You already knew what they were teaching at the academy today and decided to ditch and went to where Itachi would usually be. Arriving there you saw him practicing with kunai as usual pulling out one of your own you made one miss a target. Itachi looked at you with a pout. "Katsumi." You came out from behind the tree and laughed at his face. "It's only one and you would've got it if i hadn't done that." You pointed out. "You better watch out Itachi, i'm catching up by watching you daily." Itachi smiled at your teasing tone. "If you say so, Katsumi."

"You're very talented for your age." Said a voice from behind you both, making you jump a bit. "I'm no match for you, Shisui." Itachi said and you put your hands on your hips. "Well i'm no match more either of you." You said with a proud tone and Shisui laughed. "I don't think that's something to be proud of Katsumi." Your eyes widened. "Oh shit, your right.. But it's true you're both Uchiha's. I'm no match." You said sarcastically, sighing and letting your arms fall to your sides.

"What's wrong? Does the academy bore you two so much that you're both ditching?" Shisui asked and Itachi took another kunai looking at the targets. "I'm not ditching." Itachi said truthfully throwing a kunai. "Well i am, i ditched since i already knew the other subjects we were learning thanks to my brother leaving his school books around the house." You explained and Shisui pinched your cheek. "You should take the academy more seriously, today you were doing an important test were you not?"

You stuck out your tongue. "I was only ditching today because i did the test before ditching and i had a feeling Itachi would come here. Aaaand i don't get to hang out with you guys that much." Shisui laughed again at your childishness. "Hey, don't make fun of me!" You whined and crossed your arms. "Well i guess since your mad at me you don't want to know what i was going to show Itachi, do you?" Shisui asked and you immediately grew interested.

"No, i wanna know! Please teach me too, i always have you watch you until i figure it out myself i wanna learn too this time!" You pleaded and Shisui smiled. "Okay, but you have to stop ditching class." You pouted and slowly nodded. "Watch closely then." He said to both you and Itachi before making a kunai appear in his hand. Moving his hand to were you could see his palm it disappeared. Repeating this he close his hand into a fist and held a kunai between each of his fingers.

You stared in amazement. You didn't care if you were actually acting like a kid if you were technically twenty-three now in your worlds time, Shisui and Itachi were both amazing! "That's so cool!" You said staring at the kunai. "Give it a try Itachi." Shisui said and he did. Perfectly. "I swear you guys are like the people that can beat games on the hardest settings in days." You complained quietly. "What is it Katsumi?" Itachi asked and you realized he heard you. "Nothing, i'm just jealous you're such a fast learner. Well, i am too but you're even better."

Itachi shrugged. "I thought your father started teaching you jutsu before the academy, isn't that something to be proud of?" Itachi asked and you sweat-dropped. "Well i have trouble with hand-signs and he only teaches me E-ranked jutsu's i'll learn in the academy." You explained scratching the back of your head in embarrassment. Itachi started walking towards the academy once you were done explaining. "What's wrong?" Shusui asked him. "I have to get back." Itachi replied still walking.

"You do?" Shusui asked and Itachi turned around this time. "Shisui... Why is there fighting in life?" Itachi asked the older boy. "Who knows? But..." He trailed off for a moment. "If the fighting could be stopped, i'd like to stop it." Shisui said. "Me too." Itachi agreed. You would've said you agreed too but you had the power to stop so many deaths, but you were afraid what would happen if you tried.

"Hey, Katsumi, are you gonna give it a try?" Shisui asked and you nodded, doing the hand movements you had seen them both do. Four kunais appeared in your hand. You smirked and threw the kunai, each landing on the targets. "Your getting better, still could use some practice though." Shusui said pointing to how they were all scattered over the targets, not on the centers. "I know, i know, i'm not as good as you guys." You said with a sigh.

"You're still young, with training you'll get a-hang of it." Shisui said and you hugged him. "Thanks for putting up with me... Hisao is a total asshole. But training with you and Itachi helps." Shisui ruffled your hair. "No problem, you and Itachi are like little brothers to me." You grinned and let go of him. "And here i thought you viewed me as the annoying little kid that wouldn't leave you alone. You Uchiha's really are secretly nice." You grabbed your bag you had dropped behind the tree. "I gotta get home, bye Shisui!"


"I'm home!" You called closing the door behind you and picking up Naruto who was crawling around happily. "Katsumi, please tell me why you felt such a need to ditch class today." Your mother asked, crossing her arms. You spotted Hisao behind her, sneering at you. "Because i already knew the subjects and wanted to train with friends." You answered honestly. "Katsumi just because you want to hang out with your friends doesn't mean you can ditch class. Just because you act so much older doesn't mean you are. You are a child and should stay in class and pay attention."

She said and you glared at Hisao the whole time. "Who are these friends? Hmm?" She asked, tapping her foot on the ground. "Shisui and Itachi Uchiha. They're letting me train with them." You answered, once again truthfully your mother sighed. "Katsumi, Itachi is at a very high level for his age and i'm sure he will graduate after this year. Shisui is too on another level mostly because they are from the Uchiha Clan while we are an average ninja family."

"I don't doubt your intelligence but you should slow down and focus on what your level is, not push yourself." When she finished talking you nodded. Your mother walked back to the kitchen and Hisao handed you a paper. "Here's your homework." He said bitterly, handing you the paper he had crinkled all over on purpose. "By the way Hisao, you'll never be a ninja if you don't start practicing taijutsu since you cant preform ninjutsu." You told him, bumping shoulders while walking to yours and Naruto's room.


I feel like i spent to much time on Itachi and Shisui so i hope that wasn't boring. I need to update my other stories so the next update will take a while.

Another Chance -- (Various Naruto Males X Seme Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora