Chapter 8

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About two weeks later. You're still eleven.


You didn't undertand how it went so wrong. You knew to expect the uchiha massacre, but unlike some things you didn't know when. Kakashi's age was just something you luckily heard and remembered when listening to random youtube while drawing. Naruto's age points were frequently pointed out so you knew roughly when some events in the future would occur. It seemed like you held onto the minor things through the years of growing up in this new life.

"(Y/N) what do you think?" Asked the Hokage and you looked up from the floor. Everyone in the room had concerned or worried expressions. Some fear and some all. They were attempted to avoid you being in a situation like Itachi or Shisui. They didn't want another 'child' to have to go through what Itachi or Shisui had to. You wondered why they chose to do something now. Trying to shelter you... Was it a request of Itachi's along with Sasuke growing up in the village for him to massacre his own Clan? Perhaps.

"What do I think of what?" You asked, admitting to not paying attention. One of the ninja you didn't know sneered and muttered; "We shouldn't even be wasting time on this brat." You turned your gaze to them and glared. "I may be a kid but don't fucking call me a brat because I'm a lot smarter than other eleven year olds. And I've seen a hell of a lot more of this world's realility than you, brat." You spat and glanced around the room.

Kakashi had his normal face of uninterest, Iruka looked at you with sympathy, Aito had the same look of sympathy, the village elders had a look of concern, while the Hokage seemed to just be keeping calm. Then there was the guy you had flipped out on, he looked genuinely scared. There were others in the room but you didn't recognize most of them. You assumed them to be mostly academy teachers or team sensei's. "I get it you most likely don't care about where the hell I end up as long as I help protect the village and you sure as hell don't want me to turn all edgy and start killing people. I won't."

"I know the truth for one." You said switching your gaze to each of them that stayed silent. "For two, I don't need or want to be sheltered from the real world. I already know what its like." Your voice slightly cracked but you tried to ignore it. "My teammates who I grew up with and my father were murdered. Right in front of me." Memories of the scene of Kouki's, Haia's, and your father's bloody corpeses flooded into your mind and you started shaking.

"My mother killed herself a couple days after hearing. My brother is the only living family I have left and he hates me. And right when it's all happening the living one of the two closes people to me disappears out my life too. TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU CAN SHELTER ME FROM?!" You screamed at them, their eyes widened and you quickly wiped away tears. "I get it, some kids have it worse or end up dead. Some have the shittiest luck and have both happen to them. Some get lucky and are just young enough to not fully understand and can live at least a slightly normal life. But I have neither." You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself.

"I don't want to be alone." You said truthfully even if it sounded selfish to you. "Just put me on a random team or something I don't fucking care anymore." You said bitterly and walked out, leaving them to talk. You walked out from the side of the building where the Hokage was and over to the academy. Thankfully Naruto was there. "Oi, Whiskers." You said stopping a few feet from the blond who sat on the swing. "Hey Katsumi." He responded quietly.

"Bad day for you too?" You asked and he nodded. You sighed and put your hands on your hips. "Well, sitting here won't make it any better." You offered your hand to Naruto who looked up at you to reveal he too had been crying. It was a rare occasion for Naruto to cry. He had so much to cry about but he barely did. "You wanna train or get some ramen? Or we can go grafitii the Hokage face sculptures in the mountains. I know you like doing that."

Another Chance -- (Various Naruto Males X Seme Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora