Chapter 2 - Lip Lock Lunch

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Stac and I had stayed up all night looking through my older and geekier brothers yearbooks. It took all night, but we found him. He was going to be a junior. His name was Tyler Smith. I smiled at the thought of my name being Lexi Smith, it sounded good. We found out that he played football and basketball. i was excited to find him and tell him everything. Tell him that I loved him.

During lunch I spotted him grabbing a drink at a water fountain, I followed him trying to get his attention. He never even turned his head. I kept going though, hoping he would se me. I had worn the most revealing outfit I had in my closet. He had to notice. I begged him to. We made it all the way to the gym. He started towards a group of popular kids. As he walked up the bleachers a girl stopped him. I knew her, it was Courtney. When we were younger she was my best friend. We did everything together. When she got to middle school, and I was stuck in Elementary she started ditching me. She never wanted to play anymore, just talk about what girls let a guys do to them. It didn't make sense to me then.. As soon as Tyler sat down next to him she mulled his face. I had to turn around. I couldn't watch her do that to him. I wanted him so badly. I walked right out of the gym, through the front door, and on to the road. I wasn't sure where I was going i just wanted the picture of Courtney attacking tyler's face out of my head. That's when i heared the squealing of tires coming from behing me.

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