Chapter nine - Pants on The Ground?

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Drew stayed at my house till 12 in the morning. We had talked about so much! We were so much in common. It really was unbelievable. There was no akward moments with Drew he was so easy to talk to him. I knew I could be myself. With Tyler I was trying to impress him the who time so he'd want me. Think I was "Cool" With Drew I could laugh and tell him about all the time I had done stupid stuff. He was the exact way with me. He could make me laugh effortlessly. Just the things he said we crack me up.

He waited till I fell asleep to leave. I swear, just before he walked out my door i felt a light peck on the top of my forehead followed by an "I love you", but that could've just been me dreaming.

That next morning I walked into school. Everyone was staring at me. Waiting for me to break down in tears again. I wasn't going to. I was happy again. My life was okay, but I wasn't going to rush anything with Drew. I didn't want to be hurt again. I was scared. I made my way down to my locker. When I got there, I found a single peach rose tapped to it with a note. The note said

"Dear Lexi,

Everything about you in amazing, from your body to your laugh. I love you with all my heart. I will not hurt you ever, do not be worried. I will meet you at lunch my love.

Until then,


I knew everyone was amazed. I knew they had no clue who had given me a flower. Tyler had left me infront of everyone just yesterday. I guess it was pretty amazing i had already found someone so perfect again.

At lunch I walked around the halls. I was about to turn to turn down another hallway when I saw Tyler and Courtney. They were making out in the hallway. I didn't want to see that. I may be over him, and have someone else, but it still hurt to see how he lied to me. I had been so stupid to trust him. He looked up at me. Making eye contact. I turned around and started walking away. I heard someone running. I turned around to see Courtney coming up to me. She tried to play it off as sweet and innocent, I guess for Tyler's approval. When she made it close enough to me she whispered in my ear

"We had sex last night. He said that's all he really wanted from you. How funny is that?"

I couldn't help it. I thought he might of actually cared for me the least bit, but no. He only wanted my body. I was stupid. Stupid for falling for someone like his tricks. I should have known better..

I made it to the lunchroom. I saw Drew saving me a seat. I wasn't going to make the same mistake with him. I was going to make the sameone with him. I plopped down next to him and he smiled. I knew I needed to tell him my limits. The sooner I did it, the sooner I'd know if he liked me for real or for my pants. I grabbed his hand and whispered, " I need to know the truth. Do you like me or want to be together because you want in my pants. I need to know the truth because that's just not the girl I am. I don't plan on doing that for a very long time. So, if you don't mind I would like you to tell me the honest truth now. I won't be mad if you tell me it now."

His mouth dropped, He asked why would I even consider that he was talking to me because of that. He actually seemed a little mad that I would even think it. I expplained to him what Courtney had told me. That tyler didn't like me, just my body. I felt a tear roll down my face. He took his hand and wiped it off. He told me he would never do anything I didn't want. I leaned up to kiss him.

Then I heard Tyler yell " You stupid bitch!"

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