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When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. I looked at my arms, they hand bandages all over them. I tried to look around and see who was there. No one. I was alone. I started getting nervous. Where was Tyler? Wouldn't he come see me?

A nurse walked and was shocked to see me awake. She called for the doctor. He came in and started feeling my head and looking in my eyes. I couldn't understand why he was doing this to me. I mean sure I had some cuts and bruises, but nothing major? When he was about to walk out the room I asked him if anyone had come to visit me. He said of course, that my mom and dad were here every waking second they could be, but they had to work. My brother had come up and sat with me a couple times. A friend had brought me flowers and candy. I looked at the doctor. Why couldn't I remember all of them being here. I didn't remember seeing anyone. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. He explained to me that I had a concussion. It took me awhile to wake up from it. I had been asleep for three weeks and I was very lucky to already be awake. A concussion? I never would have thought. The last thing that I could remember was Drew fighting Tyler. The Doctor was patiently waiting for and question I needed to ask him.

I asked him if the police had gotten Tyler. He said yes that he will be spending many years behind bars. I was so happy he would never be able to hurt anyone again. I wanted to jump up and down. Then I remember Drew had never came to see me. What had happen to Drew? What if Tyler killed him while he was trying to save me. He couldn't be dead. It wouldn't be fair. The docotor must had seen that something more was wrong. He walked closer to me and told me Tyler was gone, that he'd never hurt me again. I shook my head. That's not what I was worried about. I was about Drew. He had risked his life to come save me, and I didn't know where he was now. I had wasted three weeks of my life asleep. I had no clue where anyone was.

I took a deep breathe. Preparing myself for the worse. I thought to myself, please God, don't let him be dead. I need him. I love him. When I asked the doctor where Drew was he smiled, and walked over to my curtain. He pulled it back to reveal Drew. I almost jumped out of my bed with excitement. He looked bad, really bad, but he was breathing. He was alive. I asked the doctor if he could tell me what was wrong to Drew. He told me that nothing was really wrong, he had some minor cuts, but one major one across his forehead. That when he was brought to the hospital he had lost alot of blood, but he was a fighter. He only had about a week or two left in a hospital. Then he could go home. I asked the docotor how long I had left. I already wanted out. He chuckled and said about the same time.

The doctor left and I stared at Drew. I loved him so much. He had saved my life. There was no way to ever repay him. I watched him sleep for about an hour before I doze off myself.

When I woke up I immediately looked over to see Drew. He was sitting up laughing at the tv screen. When he saw me stir he had looked at me to check and see if i was okay. When i lifted my head to look him in the eyes he jumped out of his bed. Pulling all the cords out of him. He grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. It was the most passionate kiss I had every had. His face was hard against mine. I wanted to be closer to him. I heard my heart start to accelerate on the beeping machince.

Two nurses and a doctor ran in and started laughing at us. They thought we were both dying. We laughed and Drew said, "Sorry I just can't controll myself around my girlfriend." GIRLFRIEND? He really called me his girlfriend. I Was so happy. I bounced up and down on the bed.

I leaned in and kissed him another time. My life was perfect. This is how it was supposed to me.

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