puddles of blood

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When I woke up there was a mask covering my face. I couldnt see where I was, or who was carrying me. I figured it was Tyler, but I wasnt positive. Whoever it was set me down on a cold wet flower. I tried to pull the mask off my face but I was smacked. I needed to get out of here, and fast. I heard quiet moans of pain coming next to me. Carefully i pulled the mask up. It was Courtney. He whole was was scratched to pieces. She barely had any clothes on, and what was on her didn't cover her private parts. I could tell the use of the clothes on her was to keep her warm. I couldn't stand the thought of her frezzing to death. I slowly scutted closer, trying to warm her just by a little of my body. She may have been really mean to me, but it almost wasn't her fault. She was under his spell. The sameone I had been under.

I heard the door thump shut. I pulled my mask completely off. I looked around. It was really dark and took some time for my eyes to adjust. About three minutes later i looked around. It was a small room, like maybe at sometime it was a bedroom. I saw one window and one door. Tough to get out of here i thought. I saw a closet. I knew with my knowledge of scary movies to not go there. I looked over at Courtney. She was now shivering. I knew I needed to do something. I didn't know how much time i had left before theyd return though. I started untying my hands. This was a very complicated task. Once i got one done I started on the other. Suddenly, I heard someone banging on the door. I wrapped the rope back around my wrist and slipped the mask back on. I peeked through a little hole I had made in my mask. It was Tyler. He walked over to Courtney and kicked her. I heard her yelp in pain. He grabbed her cheeks and began talking to her.

he said, "I thought you were strong sweetie. That no one could ever do anything to hurt. You don't seem so strong now. If you ask me you look pretty weak. What? You found some scraps of clothes. Here, let me get those you really shouldn't try to steal other girls clothes. Even if they are... gone."

I thought back to when Stacy and I had done research. Everything clicked. His girlfriends always got "lost" or "died". No one ever thought that he would do that to them because he was one: a varsity football player with a 4.0, and two: He always cried and begged for people to help him find them. You think some one would eventually catch on.

I looked back over to them. He had taken all the scraps off her. He was now laughing at her. Watching her slowly freeze to death. Then out of no where he walked towards her. He pulled out a knife and said, "This is for kissing Ryan." He slashed her arm. Blood started oozing out it. Then I heard her shreik on pain. "This is for messing with Dylan" He then slashed her other arm. She was now crying in agonizing pain. He tenderly kissed her on the lips then said, "This is for lying to me about Lexi, and everything else you whore." and slashed her neck. I heard her body thump on the floor. She was dead. He had killed her.

He walked over to me. I pretended to be sleeping. He kissed me on the cheek, and said "I have something even better planned for you. Just wait, Just wait till tomorrow."

I heard the door slam. I pulled my mask of and looked a Courthney. She was laying in a pile of blood. I felt my booty vibrate. My phone. I still had it. He was really that stupid to check my pockets. It was a gift from God. I looked down, It was from Drew. He said he was on his way. He was coming to save me.

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