Chapter 8 - Bitches Play games

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I woke up feeling amazing, last night was like a fairy tale to me. I never could have dreamed of how amazing Tyler was. All I knew was that I wanted to see him again very soon. I started to stretch when I noticed a note on my dresser. I reached over and grabbed it. It read..

"Last Night was amazing. I'll be picking you up around 8:30. I love you baby"

My heart stared racing. He loved me, he really really loved me. I Would never be as happy as I was right then.The boy of my dreams had actually told me he loved me.

I looked over at the clock, it read that it was 8:20. There was no way I could get ready in ten minutes! I jumped off my bed and rushed into the bathroom. Five minutes in I heard my phone start to vibrate. I sprinted over and grabbed it. It was Tyler. He was here. I went to the front door, and let him in. He chuckled a little bit at the sight of my half way curled head. Then, He pulled me in for a kiss. It was long and passionate. As I felt his tongue sneak its way into my mouth I smiled to myself. This was my life now, with my prince.

We were only 20 minutes late leaving my house. He laughed at how long it took me to get ready. I tried explaining to him that girls had longer hair and more options in clothes than boys. They had to actually fix themselves. He didn't understand why I had spent 30 minutes infront of a mirror preaparing myself for him. He said I loooked just as pretty in his arms last night. I knew my face turned bright red that one. He was just so sweet.

When we got to school I saw her. She was running towards me. It was Courtney. I had figured someone would tell her that Tyler and I had spent a romantic night in the woods, and probably even that he picked me up today. I just hadn't prepared myself for the consequences. She was getting closer. Tyler was fixing books in his backpack and wasn't paying attention. I knew I had to save myself this time.

As soon as she got close enough to me she slapped me. Her hand flying across my face. I could fell the hot tears running down my cheeks. I was so amazed. I never would have thought shed do that to me. I figured she scream call me a slut, and MAYBE hit tyler. But me? never. I knew I had to react. Everyone was just staring at me waiting. I pulled back my arm about to punch her when tyler walked around. I could see the shocked expression of his face.

He looked at me. Just stared. I was so scared. He didn't say a word just grabbed Courtney's hand. She started babbling that I had smaked her. That she had walked over to see how our night was, then I hit her. I couldn't open my mouth to deny it. I was still shocked she had even hit me. Maybe I was dreaming. I reached down to pinch myself. When she saw what I was doing she looked at tyler and said

"Look you were trying to date a emo. Look at her hurting herself. Would you really want to deal with that kind of drama. I wouldn't think so my darling."

He nodded his head. I could see the anger in his eyes. Why did Courtney do this to me. She could have any boy she wanted Why did it have to be Tyler. Then I remebered why. He was perfect. Star football and basketball player, he was smart, and absolutely adorable. Any girl at our school would date him. I was lucky to just have him for a night. A wonderful night.

As they walked away, hand in hand. I started to cry. This was a different cry from when Courtney hit me. This was a cry of heart ache. As they stepped in the school without even a glance back a me, I felt my heart crumble into pieces. That's when i fell to the ground.

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