Freshman Year(FINISHED)

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Okay, so this is my first book on here. Im really excited and I hope you like it<3


As i walked into Springwood high I couldn't help but think how this was going to be the best year of my life. I was finally a freshmen. No one could pinch my cheeks and call me a baby anymore. I was able to think for myself. There was more to being a high schooler of course. I could go to football games, party, maybe even hook up with a few guys here and there. I was so ready for this year.

As soon as i got my locker assigned i saw him. He was amazing. Tall, bright blue eyes, and shaggy blond hair. My heart started accelerating. I was worried Stacy might hear it. He looked at me, and a beautiful smile came to his face. I knew then who I was going after. He was going to be mine.

The rest of the day I couldn't get this adorable guy out of my head. When the final bell rang I searched the halls for him. He was no where to be found. When I got on the bus with Stacy I asked if she knew his name. She said it wasTyler. There were so many Tylers! Why must his name be so common I thought! My heart ached at the thought of never finidng him. My school was huge, over 1,000 people just in my grade. I knew it would be hard to find him, but that was a risk i was willing to take. I whispered in Stacy's ear the paln. We were going to find him.

Freshman YearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang