Bloody Hell

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I didn't sleep that night. Too afraid Tyler would come back to do whatever he planned to do to me. Instead I talked to Drew. Wherever Tyler was he was really stupid for not getting my phone. I had told Drew everything. Even if Drew didn't get to me fast enough. They'd be able to prove he was guilty by the text messages plus my body. Together he would be thrown in jail. This would never happen to another girl again.

Around 6 am my phone died. I began to get bored, and very sleepy. Then, I heard the door crack open. It was him. He walked passed me to courtney. I watched him pick her up and throw her over to a fire. So that's what he did with the bodies. He burnt them to a crisp. He walked over to me touched my cheek and walked out. Last I had heard from Tyler he had informed the police, but they couldn't break in until a warrant was issued. He was about a half an hour away, I hoped. I tried to keep positive. Thinking maybe he was actually closer, or maybe I'd be able to untie myself and run away, or maybe, just maybe, he'd let me go. Let me run home and feel safe again. I knew there was no chance of my last option happening. That I was stupid to even consider it.

I heard him come in again. This time I smelt food wtih him. I felt my stomach growl. I hadn't eaten since dinner two days ago. I desperately wanted food. He walked around me wafting the smell all around me. I wanted just a bite, or two. He kept getting closer to me. My mouth was watering unbearably. I reached out to see if I could grab just a piece of... He slapped my hand and started laughing at me. I could feel the plate touching my chin as i heard him chew and swallow the food I needed dearly. when I heard the fork clink with the plate my heart sank.

It had been atleast two hours since Tyler had eaten infront of my starving body. drew should had been there by then. I was beginning to get worried. I heard the dreaded foor open again.

He started ripping my clothes off me. I could feel his hands moving down my bare skin. There was no way to fight back . I sat there In horror as he did what he pleased to my body. After an hour of him touching me I was fet up. I was not going to let him get away. I rolled over to my stomach where it was harder for him to reach me. When he tried to roll me back i kicked him once.. twice.. three times in the face. I felt his blood run down my leg. i shook at the thought of all the STDs and other diseases in his blooding from raping other girls.

He brought his arm up to punch me just as the door opened. It was Drew! My real prince had came for me. He tackled Tyler to the ground, and started punching him. I heard Tyler's bones crack against the hard cement that I had been sitting in. I pulled out my phone and called the police. With Courtney's body stil here and all my fresh cuts and naked body it would look great. No one would be able to deny what tyler had done to me. Or worse, To Courtney.

I looked back over to the fight. Drew was fighting with all his might. Punching as hard as he could. Tyler, on the other hand wasn't really working. I had never noticed, but they were about the same height and size. This for some reason amazed me. Drew Interrupted my train of though by screaming, "RUN LEXE" I looked over to see Drew. He had Tyle pinned against the wall.

That's when the police burst through the door, and I blacked out.

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