Chapter four - hook ups and heart breaks

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As soon as Stacy let me in a gushed to her what had happened. She was amazed. She had also been friends with Courtney, but been ignored when she went to middle school. I told her everything from Courtney grabbing tyler, to Tyler kissing me goodbye. She couldn't believe it. I decided it would be rude if I didn't thank Court Immediately. I mean, she gave me Tyler. I grabbed my phone to see I had a text from Tyler. I had forgot that I had texted him. I clicked on the message and saw what the boy of my dreams had typed me. He told me that if i wanted he would pick me and my friend up for school tomorrow. I eagerly looked at Stacy. Pleading with my eyes. She agreed to ride with him to school. I was so happy. I didn't see how my life could get any better. Now it was time to text Courtney. I pressed send and it seemed like a recieved a reply in under two minutes. When I looked at what she said I had to gasp. She told me that I was a stupid slut. That I needed to grow some boobs, and back away from Tyler. Then the worst part hit me. She told me that the only reason that he would even think about talking to me is cause how easy i looked in dress. Tears came to my eyes. Of course when i thought something was perfect she was ruin it. I should've known. It was my fault.

I jumped in the jeep smiling to myself. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. I couldn't believe he was actually here. for me. As we road down the road he asked me how my night was. I wondered if I should ask him about Courtney. I knew I should, but I was scared of the answer. What if they were dating? What if he was only trying to be nice to me after feeling bad for not seeing me. I couldn't ask him now. I wanted to cherish the time I had with him before we took our steps into high school. Into Courtney's territory.

When we got out of the car Stacy thanked him and quickly rushed into school. That was so Stacy. So bashful around guys. We had always been so opposite. He walked me into school where girls eyes turned to envy me. I was truly loving every second of it. Then i saw Courtney. She looked mad, and was speed walking her way towards us. I wanted to hide behind tyler, but I knew I couldn't. I wasn't sure what to do so I just stood there. When she made it to us she grabbed tyler's head and pushed her lips towards hers. I watched in horror as he wrapped his arm around her slender body to pull her closer. I could see the girls around me snicker. I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. I tried to turn and walk away when Courtney let go of Tyler. She walked infront of me so I couldn't move.

I watched the ends of her mouth turn to an evil smile. I started sweating thinking of all the horrible things she could do to me infront of everyone. I stood there waiting for my punishment for going after what I guess was her Tyler. I felt my heart squeeze when I said that. He was supposed to be mine. No one elses. I wanted him so badly.

Just then Principle Jones walked by. I had never been so excited to see him in my life. He walked right over to us, and asked Courtney to come to his office. I was so relieved. I knew this hadn't saved me forever, but for the time being it was good. I turned to my right and saw Stacy wave. Gosh, she was a good friend. I don't know what I would do with out her.

Then I looked back at Tyler. He was staring at me with concern all over his face. I knew I needed to get away from him. I just didn't want to. He reached out and grabbed my hand. It sent tingles all the way up my arm. I had never had this feeling with a guy. never so intense. I wanted him, I needed him, but Courtney had him. I dropped his hand and started toward Stacy. I knew with Courtney around I would never had him. I had to face the facts. I needed to stay away from him. As I walked away i felt my heart break into millions of piece. All I could think about was how much I hated Courtney. I knew I'd never get to be with tyler..


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