Chapter three - A long car ride to love

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I turned to see a Jeep speeding towards me. I jumped out of the way. It stopped right next to me. Scared to death I looked to see who it was. I was amazed. It was Tyler. He turned on his mega watt smile. I could feel my heart melting. He asked where I was going. I thought about it. I honestly had no clue where I was going to. He stared at me making me ten times more nervous than any guy ever had. I guess he got tired wating because he finally asked me to just get in his car so we could go for a drive. It didn't take me to seconds to jump into the extra tall jeep.

As we sped away i felt him looking at me. This automatically made me blush. I wasn't sure what do say. I knew I needed to say something just nothing could come to my mind. I was sitting there staring out the window when he asked how I kew Courtney. I was shocked. I Stumbled trying to say that we had been friends a long time ago, but hadn't talked in ages. He looked shocked. I asked him if something was wrong. He shook his head and said "She watched you follow me into the gym. When she saw you leave she told me to come get you. Said that you were really nice." I smiled, I really needed to thank Court for that one. I was amazed she even remembered me to be honest.

It had been about an hour of driving when i finally built up the courage to ask him where we were even going. When I asked he smiled and said "you didn't tell me where you'd like to go. I've just been driving." I looked at the clock. It was 6:30! I need to be home soon! I looked at him, scared to tell him if that if i didn't get home soon i was going to be beyond grounded. I didn't want him to thank of me as a baby.

It took me awhile, but then I figured out what to do. I told him to drop me off at Stacy's house. That was only four houses over from mine. I could just tell him that i had made plans with her for studying. It was perfect. When I told him he kind of looked sad, but of course he agreed.

When he drove through my neighborhood he looked at each house. He pointed towards mine and said it was cute. I smiled. He stopped at Stacy's house, but didn't unlock the doors. I was wondering what he was waiting for when he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote his number on it. He told me to text him. As i opened the door he told me to wait. He leaned over and pecked me on the lips. I thought I was going to faint. My head got dizzy and I stumbled to Stacy's door. I watched him drive away and cursed myself for not staying with him. I looked in my hands and saw the paper. A smile came to my face as i put the number in my phone and sent him a text right away. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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