Chapter 10 - Crazy Ex Boyfriend

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Tyler came sprinting towards us. Drew pushed me away knowing that this was going to be a fight. Tyler squeezed his hand into a fist and punshed Drew straight in the nose. I tried my best to push tyler away while Drew was laying on the floor I just couldn't. I saw the pool of blood next to Drew and fell. My head felt dizzy. I felt Tyler pick me up and start running. I didn't fight him. I don't know why I didn't. I guess I wasnt strong enough. He threw me into a van. I thumped ontop of Courntey. I could see the fear in her eyes. She had cuts all down her face. He hands and feet were tied tight so that she couldn't get out. I felt Tyler pull my arms and legs together to tie them. I struggled against him, but I was no match. He was a Varsity Football player. There was no way I could get out of this. After he had me all tied up he kissed me on the cheek. i swung my body to try to kick him in the face. It was a dead hit. He automatically came back with a smack across the face. He then said, "You're going to wish you never did that." As a devilish smile came to his face.

He Jumped into the front and sped away. I looked at Courtney, silent tears start rolling down her face. I was scared. All I could do was daydream about the better days that I had. Like the days with my dad. I wished so badly that I was a little girl. That I hadn't tried to grow up and date this cool football player. All it had done was screw me over.

As I sat there and waited for him to take me where he wanted I felt my pocket vibrate. My phone! I still had my Phone! I used the back of the car to push it out. Then quietly turned myself around so the I could look at the text. It was from Drew. He told me whatever I did, to not give up on him. He was going to find me, and get tyler. I prayed that he was telling the truth. I needed him to be so badly.


I know its really short, but ill add more later, bye (:

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