Chapter 3: The Rule?

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 Chapter 3: The Rule?

Jo sat in Mr. Lee's class, ready to hand over her test. It was only one test, she thought to herself, it didn't matter what she got. The bell rang and the rest of the student's stood up, ready to hand in their own. She had finished earlier, but felt ashamed of giving him such a terribly done test in just a few minutes, so she had glared at it throughout the whole class period.

Meanwhile, as she walked to the door, Pierce was anxiously waiting outside of the door. His eyes held a childish mischief in them. "So, how did it go?" He asked, his tone extremely annoying to Jo.

"Average, like you told me to. Now go away," She said, not meeting his gaze.

"Wait, we're not done yet. You've got to leave the math club now, alright." He told her, taking hold of her shoulder.

Jo rolled her eyes. She could care less about the math club. After all, she had only done in to irk him and prove that she was better than him.

"Sure, now let go of me," she told him removing his hand from her shoulder.

Pierce took a step closer, "What? Do I make you nervous?" He whispered in her ear. His breath was hot and made her brain feel fuzzy and strange. Jo shook her head, trying to catch hold of herself. She didn't like the sudden feeling in her gut.

"No, your whole presence just annoys me." She managed to say, before walking away.

The school day ended, and Jo made her way to the club. Her steps were fast and hurried, mostly due to her need to go home. She wanted to get it all done, so that she finally could get rid of Pierce. She was at the door when she saw Pierce sitting down beside America.

"Louis can I talk to you?" Pierce presence made her nervous and somehow unsure of herself. She didn't know how to correctly begin without messing it all up. Louis looked at her along with the rest of the members.

"This is a serious club, what you have to tell Louis, if it affects the club, then you must say it in front of everyone."

"It's alright Jo, is something the matter?" Louis asked walking towards her.

Jo nodded, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to apologize. I won't be able to take part of the club. I'm falling behind on schoolwork and this would be too much for me."

Pierce smirked. Louis looked at her with what appeared to be understanding and maybe even pity.

"It's alright, thanks anyway."

Jo walked out after saying her goodbye to everyone. It seemed to have gone better than she had expected. In fact, it was almost as if they expected it. As she neared the main hall towards the exit, she heard loud footsteps behind her. It wasn't long before the person caught hold of her and took her arm to turn her around, "Wait a minute, missy." There was mischief in his voice along with his usual condescending tone.

"Where are you going, we're not done yet."

Jo glared at him, "We're done. Let's never meet again, alright." She forced a smile and tapped his shoulder before turning around. However, before she knew it, Pierce took hold of her and pulled her into an empty classroom.

"You really thing that I'm going to just let you off like that. You've screwed up so many times, your screw ups always find a way to screw my life over, so I have to teach you a lesson." Jo looked away from his heavy glare. She moved away, but Pierce just kept coming closer.

"Don't you know what personal space is?" She finally exploded, when he was getting to close.

Pierce smirked and backed away. "Sure, sure. I'm backing away. Though, if I were you, that'd be the least of my problems, Miss Troublemaker Peters. You have a bad tendency of getting yourself is such crazy situations, don't you think?"

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