Chapter 5: Pierce Carson

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Chapter 5

Jo and her mother went home in silence. She still felt confused over the whole ordeal. Things had gone better than she expected and soon she would even be absolved. Her mother smiled as she drove.

"Mom," She began, trying to find the correct words. Her mind was muddled, and she did not understand what had really happened in Principal Owen's office.

Her mother turned toward her and nodded, "What is it hon?"

"Aren't you angry?"

Her mother looked back at the road, "Darling, you are now a hero of some sort. However, despite the good that you have done, I do believe that what you did was not correct. You could have spoken to me and we could've found a way. You and Pierce should be held accountable for not doing what was appropriate given the situation."

Jo nodded. She kept hearing the same thing. Pierce Carson had a plan all along. All through the weekend she had asked herself what he was planning on doing. She had thought of all the possible scenarios: he was seeking revenge on her or on someone else? Thoughts and thoughts kept swirling through her mind all night, but nothing had prepared her for this. Pierce Carson was drawing attention to the wrongdoing of others in such a peculiar way. He was doing something quite noble for once. It did not make sense.

She got home feeling strange. She did not know if to feel relief or deflated. Her mother left her at home before heading back to work. She ended up heading to her room and picked up her laptop. She sighed as she thought about her emails. Pierce had given everything back during the weekend. However, it was quite useless given that she left it in Joel's room so that he could 'fix it' and instead he ended up making things worse.

"Nice." She muttered as she placed it in her bag. She would have to head to a tech store so that someone could help her.

That night, the family ate in silence. Joel eyed his sister suspiciously. "I heard that you and Pierce Carson were both called to the office." He finally said, breaking the silence that had enfolded them.

Jo looked at her brother before her eyes fell to her plate of food. Her mother spoke for her: "Your sister got called in for a misunderstanding that will soon resolve itself, do not worry too much and focus on school. I heard from Kyle's mom that you will have a game the coming weekend."

Joel did not respond. It was obvious that he wanted to know what was going on, but his mother decided to keep it in between her and Jo. Jo knew that it was stupid to hide things from Joel, it wouldn't take him long before he found out what was really going on.

"Mom, don't you think that Pierce Carson is perhaps a bad influence in Jo's life?" Her brother finally said. He was looking directly at Jo.

"Joel, I do not think it is a good idea to judge people based on their looks. I'm sure that your sister knows what she is doing. However," she turned to Jo.

"Jo, if there is ever anything that you need to tell me, whatever it is darling, you tell me, okay?"

Jo nodded. She wanted to tell her everything, but at the same time, everything was so confusing. She was unsure about Pierce Carson. She knew he was a bad influence. Joel was right about that, but then what he did made it so difficult to understand. Who was Pierce Carson?

She thought about it all night. Was there more to Pierce Carson that perhaps she was unable to see or could it just be a trick.

She woke up the next day and got ready. The mall was almost empty in comparison to the weekends where teenagers packed the walkway as they aimlessly walked here and there. She made her way to the tech store. A few costumers were receiving assistance and she felt almost awkward as she looked around waiting for someone to assist her.

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