Chapter 13: Blooming Flower of Friendship

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Chapter 13: Blooming Flower of Friendship

The next morning, Pierce woke up extra early. Joel was sitting in the kitchen island, eating cereal. Ms. Peters moved around the kitchen baking some pastries. As he came closer, he noticed that there was a plate of waffles sitting a few inches from were Joel had his cereal bowl.

"Is this," he pointed at the plate, and looked at Joel who was still very much sleepy. Before, he could answer, Ms. Peters looked at them and told him to get as much as he'd like.

"I made plenty of food," she said, before propping a whole skillet of eggs on a long wodded surface a few inches away from the waffles.

Pierce nodded. He grabbed a plate, took some eggs and two pieces of waffles. The Peter's home somehow felt warmer than his own house. The soft scent of sweets coming from the oven reminded him of a bakery, warm and fuzzy. He ate happily and enjoyed the feeling that was settling itself in the deepest corner of his heart.

After he had finished his portion of food, he stood up to place his plate in the washer, but Joel stopped him. "I'm on duty pal," he said, before taking the plate from his hands and placing it under his own. Pierce nodded a bit dazed as he watched Joel walk toward the sink to wash the plates.

"Hello family," a half-chirpy Jo came in. Her hair was up in a lazy bun and there was a hint of strawberry radiating off her as she walked toward the cupboard to grab a mug.

"Morning, darling, are you having breakfast?" Her mother asked, still looking at the baking sheet where she had some cookies cooling off.

Jo shook her head, "No, I don't have time. I'm going to take some coffee and head out," she said as she walked toward the fridge to get some milk.

Pierce looked at her carefully, at first he had no idea that he was looking, but when Jo turned and faced him he noticed and felt ashamed. He looked down at the ground where his backpack was laying and picked it up.

"Is your boyfriend coming to pick you up?" Joel asked, making it obvious that he was mocking her.

Pierce didn't look at them, but he quickly stood with his backpack and looked over at Ms. Peters, pretending like he didn't care.

"He's not my boyfriend, and he just offered me a ride," She quickly responded.

"Nice." Her brother responded with a mocking smile.

"uh, darling, could Grayson also take Pierce. Joel has a doctor's appointment in a few minutes, he won't be able to go to school until third period..."

Jo nodded and looked over at Pierce. He had been busily playing with his phone trying not to seem like he was interested in the conversation. However, it was hard not to be interested. He looked over at her and smiled cheekily.

Jo agreed and Grayson's car horn led her toward the front door. Pierce followed behind quietly. He didn't want to mess up anymore. He'd reform himself and show his father that he was mature enough.

This was harder than he'd thought. Grayson didn't mind taking Pierce along. However, it was obvious to Pierce that Grayson was interested in Jo. When she entered the car, he had kissed her lightly in the cheek completely ignoring the fact that Pierce was sitting behind them. Pierce glared at the back of Grayson's head. Most of the car ride, had gone by with small talk between Grayson and Jo, with little regard to Pierce.

He didn't mind. He knew that he could care less about Grayson, but something deep inside annoyed him. He didn't like Grayson or his perfect hair and nice defined nose. It gave him a feeling that he was pretentious lousy guy.

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