Chapter 20: Cutting Ties

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Chapter 20: Cutting Ties

Jo sat down in the kitchen island, while her mother prepared lunch. They had been making small talk, but Jo suddenly grew quiet as she thought about Pierce. She didn't know what type of relationship they had, but she was sure that she didn't want that kiss to mean nothing.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?" She finally said. It was like a pebble stuck in her shoe, if she didn't address it, then things wouldn't be able to get better in her head.

"What is it honey?" Ms. Peters asked, looking over at her daughter.

"How does liking someone, romantically, feel like?" She never thought she'd ever ask something like that to her mom, but the question was eating her alive. She also didn't really have a friend close by to actually help her answer the question either. In that case, Pierce was possibly the closest thing to a friend, and even though it concerned him Jo would never ask him something like that directly. Especially, given his feelings for her.

The question caught her mother by surprise, but it didn't take her long to recuperate. The woman let out a small smile and nodded, "Romantic feelings are like flowers, they bloom and make everything colorful as well as sweeter, but why do you ask? Is this about Pierce?"

She knew that her mother wouldn't believe her if she said it wasn't, so she nodded. As soon as she did, the flowers in her stomach began to bloom and she almost felt like she was in a roller coaster.

She smiled, and looked away. "Do you think that Pierce will be okay with his dad?"

He had stayed behind, and even though she felt awkward with him around, she still worried when he was away. Especially because of the icy relationship between the two Carson men. "I think he'll be alright." Her mother answered, walking over toward the stove to put some salt on the soup she was making.

"How are you so sure?" Jo asked, looking over at her mother with a confused frown.

"I just know, don't worry about. I'm sure they'll be able to solve their problems. Now, get over here and help me prepare the salad."

Jo let out a sigh, but listened to her mother and stood up to help. She really wanted her mother to be right.

It was almost two in the afternoon when Pierce got to the Peters house. He felt nervous as he walked toward the front porch. He hesitated a bit before knocking, but ended up doing so at the end. It was Ms. Peters who answered the door.

"Welcome home Pierce, how did it go with your dad?"

Pierce looked at her a bit nervously, before he looked over at the park car on the driveway. "Oh, are you going to go back home?"

A small nod.

"I'm glad then. It means you and your father are in good terms."

He wanted to get over with the small talk and get inside to talk with Jo. He really needed to see her. "Come on in, how about you have lunch with us before you leave."

Lunch with the Peters was always something he looked forward. Actually, every meal was fantastic. They were a family, a family that talked about family things. He decided to stay for lunch, and texted his father about it. Mr. Carson was okay with it.

Jo didn't appear downstairs until he had helped Ms. Peters set the table. She seemed a bit relieved when she saw him. However, there was no talk about what had occurred a few hours earlier. "uhm...It kind of feels sort of empty without Joel around," he said, as he served himself some soup.

"I know, but he has practice and won't get out until five." Said Ms. Peters.

"Now though, it's going to be a bit sad." She added.

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