Chapter 19: Mending Hearts

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Chapter 19: Mending Hearts

            The air in the small office was suffocating. Mr. Owen's glare was hard to ignore, but Pierce had an easy time pretending that nothing was wrong as he stood by the door. Jo, on the other hand, looked at the ground trying to hide her flushed face. She had lost count of the number of times she had visited the Principal's office since she had met Pierce.

"I cannot believe this," the elderly man said, shaking his head furiously.


"Shut up Pierce, I don't want to hear another word coming from you." Mr. Owen's said.

Pierce nodded. "Alright sir,"

Mr. Owen's was about to get after him but stopped himself. For once, Pierce Carson wasn't acting smart and saying some snarky comment to turn his fuse. He looked over at the teens standing awkwardly in front of him. Jo was still unable to look up. The old man shook his head, and turned away.

Jo took a quick look up, before she looked back at the ground. She was still a bit unsure if the principal knew what had happened in that storage room, but she wasn't really about to ask him.

"Two teens, both at the top of the class, skipping class. This is something I would never expect. It almost seems like there is something more here, don't you think Jo?"

Jo didn't say a word. She couldn't even form a sentence to explain what had occurred in that tiny room.

"Do you have nothing to say for yourself, Josette?"He asked, coming over to stand in front of her.

After another moment of silence, Principal Owen's looked away and walked back to his seat.

"I've called your parents. Please wait outside now."

Jo looked at Pierce. It was certain that his father would appear and give him a great scolding. However, he didn't seem the least affected by the words of the principal. The wait was a bit longer than expected. However, there was not a word discussed between the security and the secretary about what had occurred in that storage room. In fact, it almost seemed like they didn't suspect more than just two teens skipping. She didn't understand why this was the case. However, it wasn't until she was on her way home that she received her answer.

Her mother appeared first. She looked exhausted but calm. Her eyes wondered when she got to the office, and she quickly spotted both Pierce and Jo. A small smile escaped her lips before she controlled her expression and looked toward the secretary with a serious glare.

Mr. Carson took his time. By the time he came in, Ms. Peters was already leaving the Principal's office.

"Pierce, do you want us to wait for you?" Ms. Peters asked him as he was about to enter the office. Pierce shook his head, "No, it's alright. Thank you though."

Jo's mother nodded, tapped his shoulder sympathetically and then motioned for Jo to follow her. "Where are we going?" Jo asked her mother.

"Home. You're not in trouble, but I still told Principal Owen's that I'd get after you at home, let's go."

Jo nodded. When they got to the car, she finally asked her mother what she had discussed with the Principal. She had done her best to seem unaffected by the whole situation, but the truth was that she didn't understand why the scolding hadn't been as serious. Her mother looked at her for a few seconds.

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