Chapter 9: Murphy's Law

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Chapter 9: Murphy's Law

Jo and Pierce both looked at Mr. Carson with the same expression. However, unlike Jo, Pierce soon recuperated and cleared his throat. Mr. Carson kept his glare on both of them.

"Hello Philip," his son greeted with a soft wave. Jo looked at Pierce and his lack of respect for his own father. Unbelievable, she thought.

"What is going on here?' The man repeated. His eyes were stern and almost seemed black with seriousness. Jo gulped and looked away from his glare. She had no idea how she had even thought of saying such terrible things that day. A man like that was not the type of person to play with, his hard cold glare was prove.

"This is Jo, a good friend of mine. We were just having a fervent discussion, don't mind us." He managed to swiftly lie. Pierce was cunning and fast. Jo almost believed it herself. It was nothing more than just a simple argument among friends.

"Fervent discussion, about what?" The man asked. His voice was crisp and young, but commanding. The type of voice you hear from a school principal.

"You know, important stuff...celebrities. I think that Scarlet Johansson is pretty great of an actress, but Jo here, thinks that is not the case."

Jo rolled her eyes. She was sure that Pierce was just pulling Mr. Carson's leg. Heck, it almost seemed like he was making fun of the man.

"Well, we will be going now." Pierce said with a satisfied smile. His hand grabbed onto Jo's and he led her away and toward the stairwell.

"What was that?" She finally asked when they got to his bedroom. Pierce didn't say anything, instead he let go of her wrist and walked toward his desk. Jo looked at her arm. She hadn't really even realized when he had grabbed hold of her, but even though he had let go, she could still feel the warmness of his hand on her wrist. The feeling made her feel strange, and she was sure that she didn't like it.

Her eyes fell on Pierce once again, and the feeling was subdued and eventually replaced with annoyance. "You are so-" she tried to find the correct word to describe his lack of creativity and her own annoyance, but was unable to find one.

When she wasn't able to come up with anything, Pierce turned to her. "Can you keep your voice down, I'm trying to work. Sit over there," he said, pointing to his bed. Jo glared at him, and gave out a sigh of annoyance. She made her way to the bed and sat down. A person like Pierce and Jo, it was obvious that friendship could never bloom.

Jo looked around Pierce's room. Pierce was sitting on his desk chair, scrolling through some word document completely forgetting her presence as he worked. The air was chilly, and Jo noticed that it was probably colder than it was downstairs. Pierce's room was large and his bed was comfier than she had imagined. The covers were cool under her fingers and she fought herself trying not to just lay down and look at the ceiling.

"Pierce dinners ready," Pat said from the doorway. The woman looked over at Jo who was seating on the bed and seemed to be ready to say something before she stopped herself and looked at the ground annoyed.

"Okay, we'll be there in a sec." He answered, not bothering to look at Pat.

The woman walked out. Jo took it as her cue to stand up, she tried to look over Pierce's shoulder but Pierce seemed to have read her mind and quickly exited the word document. He stood up and looked over at Jo. "Before we go," he began, giving her a pointed look. "I have to remind you that it is best that we get along, don't act like my enemy. Play nice and everything will be over before you know it."

He smiled at her, but it was obvious that it wasn't genuine. "Sure." She responded not bothering to even question his intention. She followed him back downstairs. Pierce didn't say a word on their way to the dinning room. Jo didn't bother to start any conversation herself.

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