Chapter 18

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Hi guys, I'm so sorry for the delayed upload I had some family stuff going on and postponed writing for a few days because I had to deal with it! I've already started writing more chapters and as today was my day of work hopefully I'll get a few written in advance for the coming week. I really wanted to keep doing daily uploads but It's clearly not going to be possible with my new job so I'm hoping to keep uploading at least ever 2-3 days! But if I have more ready then you'll get daily.

I hope you like this scene! I realise that although these say 'chapters' on them obviously they're not all chapters as they can be quite short but I'm trying to keep each one above the 3,000 words line for you guys. 

This chapter does contain DRUG USE (not heavy drugs or overdoses or anything but some weed, if anyone isn't okay with that) aaaaand I can't wait for you guys to read the chapter after this either eek! 

Thank you for all the love and support, this book is now on 18K reads and I'm gobsmacked at how quickly it's gaining support, you guys are unreal. 

This chapter is dedicated to @MadlyInsane13 who made this gorgeous mood board and sent it to me! I love it so much and I'm so excited to get the first thing sent to me for Golden! If any of you make any graphics banners moodboards or covers then please send them and I'll display them!

Also a shout out to @steamednoodlesss for suggesting this song for the book and I think this chapter fits it perfectly! Give it a listen x


It turns out that Trent did turn it into a good story, a totally unbelievable and fictitious one, but a good story none the less. In his words, I had fainted with just one touch from him, and he acted out the whole thing just to make it better. Cole had played the part of me. Apparently, I spoke with a voice ten octaves above the normal human tone and constantly swished my hair from side to side, but overall he did a pretty good job. Trent had strutted around as if he was a giant for the most part and seemed to just be continuously throwing winks in my direction. I have to say, Cole's squealing and gushing about Trent's muscles did resonate with me a little, but of course, I never let on; It was clear after the performance that Trent didn't need anything to give him an even bigger head. Everyone watching was rolling about in laughter the whole time, and even though I kept blushing every time Trent complimented Cole (as in me, but Cole pretending to be me... Cole-me?), I still couldn't help but join in with the laughter. It had been a long time since I'd been able to properly laugh about myself and feel like I wasn't going to get berated for it.

After that, it seemed like old funny stories just began pouring out of peoples mouths and the whole group began to interact. I met a lot of Trent's friends and I was surprised at how close they all were, there were people a few years younger than us there but they didn't once try to touch alcohol or do anything bad. There seemed to almost be a level of respect amongst everyone and for the first time, I felt totally at ease around a group of strangers. Everyone seemed to want to talk to me and to had to wonder what exactly they knew about me or why they were so eager to get to know me.

Some people brought a football out and while Kristie jumped up in excitement and ran off to play, I decided to stay around the fire and chat with some of the girls from EVH, I knew Scarlette was lovely so I assumed that they would be too – and I was totally right.

We sit and laugh for ages, all chatting about the school and how they're getting on at it and time seems to fly quickly and before long it's completely pitch black. A slight shiver begins to take over my body and I regret not wearing a jacket.

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