Chapter 1 - Your Majesty

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Sapphron was gently caressing her favorite horse, Meadow, a grey and white Shire

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Sapphron was gently caressing her favorite horse, Meadow, a grey and white Shire. Meadow was almost twice  as Sapphron, but equally as beautiful. She was always well behaved and loved to be ride, specifically by Sapphron herself. Meadow was fond of Sapphron's mother, yet not so much her father, for reasons unknown.

Meadow huffed as Sapphron brushed down her glorious mane. The horse picked up her right hoof in admiration. "You're very welcome pretty lady." Sapphron gingerly replied. The silver locked woman continued to brush her majestic beauty. Sapphron waltzed around to the other side of Meadow, her blue, chiffon gown following slowly behind.

"She's very beautiful." An unfamiliar voice cooed, startling Sapphron, causing her to spin on her heels. Before her, a beautiful woman, long strawberry blond hair cascading down her back, her dress exquisitely golden.On top of her beautiful locks was a golden crown, beyond magnificent. "My Queen." Sapphron, recognizing the monarch, quickly curtsied to her superior. "Sapphron, is it?" Sapphron silently nodded in reply. She was extremely nervous as she had never been to face to face with anyone in the royal family, let alone the Queen herself.

"Would you like to come in? I can make tea for us?" Sapphron offered weakly, desperately trying to show her genuine hospitality. "Yes dear that would be lovely." The Queen replied lightly. Sapphron lead her beautiful horse back into her stable, giving the animal a reassuring pat before departing.

"Right this way my Queen." Sapphron led the two back to her small villa. Silently, Sapphron pestered herself with the small mess of her home, unaware of the Queen's visit. Her tiny farm was mere rubbish compared to the extravagant palace her majesty lived in. The Queen looked around her small home with pity. Sapphron's family wasn't wealthy at all. There were few luxuries contained in the small home.

Sapphron nervously, poured water into the kettle and began to heat it over a flame she created with her magic. It would burn until she wanted it to stop, no water nor lack of oxygen would demolish the flame. When the water came to a boil, Sapphron poured two cups of tea for herself and her Queen.

"Your majesty," she smiled genuinely as she handed the royal woman her teacup. "Please, call me Frigga." The Queen gingerly smiled at the small framed girl. "Frigga." Sapphron repeated with a small smile. "Do you live here alone Sapphron?" Frigga questioned, almost sounding concerned for the girl. "No ma'am. My mother and father are usually here but they are helping with the war effort." She answered lightly, the thought pulling strings at her heart. She truly was missing her family. "What are their names?" Frigga questioned, her tone more relaxed. "My mother is Adell and my father is Gremire." Sapphron replied to her Queen politely, carful not to raise her tone. "Ah, the healer and the warrior." Sapphron nodded, a bit surprised the Queen knew her parents.

"My child, would it be devastating for you to leave your farm?" The Queen asked, sounded slightly nervous yet keeping her composure. "Yes, it would. There is many livestock and crops that I tend to daily, as well as my patients." Sapphron replied, her voice slightly shaking. "Tell me about what you do dear, professionally." Sapphron took a deep breath before responding to the Queen's inquiry. "Well, similarly to a doctor or healer, I diagnose the mind. I help repair the mind."

Sapphron was nervous about the questions directed towards her practices as her mother had always warned her against sharing her about powers. "And how do you do this repairing?" Frigga asked, seeming to know more than she was letting on, noticed by Sapphron. Sapphron hesitated, she hadn't told a single soul of her magic before. Lying to the Queen however was treachery. Deciding to tell the truth, Sapphron answered honestly. "My Queen, I posses abilities. Magic." She paused briefly, gaging the Queen's reaction. Frigga only smiled, encouraging her to continue. "As do I." The royal woman added, almost to herself. "I am able to delve deep into the mind of others, create illusions, as well as being well equipped to defend myself. My Queen, Frigga, you must understand I have not told anyone else this information, in fear of my life. I do believe myself to be a sorceress of the moon." Sapphron's voice shook as she spoke. A truth she had never once said aloud.

"I am aware my child. Thank you for telling me the truth, Heimdall, the gate keeper of the nine realms, has been keeping his eye on you. My husband, Odin, was fearful you'd become a threat to Asgard." Frigga's words shocked Sapphron deeply. "A threat?" She repeated in astonishment. "I know dear, I had the same reaction to his words. But you are powerful my child, extremely. Throughout the years you have proven to do nothing but good, he no longer considers you a threat, worry not." The Queen's words were reassuring to Sapphron.

"After months of persuasion, I have convinced our King to authorize your stay at the palace." Sapphron could only gasp in reaction. "We will have someone to take care of your home and livestock while your parents are gone." Sapphron could not believe what she was hearing, she was invited to stay at the palace, a dream she had never thought to come true.

"I accept your kindest offer my Queen, Frigga." Sapphron answered with a warm smile. Frigga smiled briefly, while fumbling with her delicate hands nervously. "Our generosity does come with a price however." Sapphron's curiosity was sparked, her blue eyes widening slightly. "What is it my Queen?" She inquired, desperately trying to calm her worry. "Odin has lost all hope for our son. He is imprisoned in the dungeons, he went to Midgard to rule the people, but took the lives of many. Odin wishes to off him, but I have hope for my dear adoptive son. I wish to save his mind, I believe you my dear will be able to do that. I'm running out of options before my persuasion no longer works on Odin." Frigga's eyes filled with tears yet she did not let a single one shed. Sapphron, processing the information, realized she was referring to her adoptive son, Loki, God of Mischief and Lies, the trickster who destroyed the Bifrost. The Queen wanted her to save some who was so far past redemption he couldn't even see it. Sapphron inhaled deeply, focusing on the gravity of her decision.

"I accept, I will do my best to help your son." She replied without thinking. Frigga's eyes beamed with excitement. "Oh thank you my love, pack your things, a carriage will be here at sunrise tomorrow to bring you to the palace, until then my dear." With that Frigga stood up and exited the small worn villa, leaving Sapphron in awe.

Chapter 1 woooo! Tell me how y'all are liking it!!!! I really appreciate your feedback and feel free to leave ideas for me to incorporate!!!!

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Chapter 1 woooo! Tell me how y'all are liking it!!!! I really appreciate your feedback and feel free to leave ideas for me to incorporate!!!!

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