Chapter 9 - Propositions

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When Sapphron awoke, she was surprised to feel the warmth and comfort of a bed. She opened her eyes slowly, sleep still heavily weighing her down. The girl reviewed her surroundings to see she was in what was supposed to be Loki's bed. Sapphron looked around the cell in search of the Asgardian prince, only to find him sitting in a beautifully crafted wooden chair, reading through another ancient looking novel. She watched him as his eyes went back and forth, scanning the aged paper. Loki had noticed the girl's conscious presence but did not deter from his research. "What are you reading?" Sapphron asked, her voice croaking from sleep. The prince said nothing, ignoring her question. Sapphron decided to get up, stretching as she rose. She glided slowly towards Loki, peering over his shoulder to look at the book. As she was beginning to read the page, he aggressively slammed it shut. "The book of the Damned." It was clear to Sapphron Loki did not want to elaborate further. She pressed her lips together, pondering what to say next. Before she could come up with the words, Loki snapped at her. "Is your stay in my cell permanent or temporary?" He asked, venom once again coating his tone. Sapphron looked at the trickster with empathetic eyes. In that moment she truly understood the motives of the God before her. "Loki, I wish to get you released from here." The God of Mischief scoffed, rolling his cat like eyes at her. "As if you could convince the Allfather to release me." He laughed at her, thinking the proposition was ridiculous. "I convinced him you are well enough to let me in here with you, did I not?" Sapphron raised her eyebrow suggestively. "I understand you Loki, I really do. Rotting away in this cell is doing nothing to help you." Loki's eyes narrowed as he gritted his teeth together.

   "You know nothing of me." He spat at her. "No Loki,"  the girl cautiously began. "I not only know everything of you, I have now experienced the same betrayal of a lie that you have. I want to help you." She pleaded, her eyes showing genuine concern. "You can not help me, stop wasting your time!" The prince's voice raised making Sapphron slightly nervous he would attack her again. "And what if I get you out of here?" Sapphron looked up at his tall figure with hopeful eyes. "It is impossible. Odin will never grant my release." Sapphron noted how stubborn the prince was and it deeply frustrated her. "Have you no hope?" She asked him, her tone sounding angrier.
"I lost all hope for that man the moment I found out he destroyed any chance I had for my birthright!"
Loki screamed angrily at her, making her take a few small, unnoticed steps backwards. "I—" Sapphron began but was cut off by his yelling. "He could never have a frost giant sitting on the throne of Asgard." Sapphron saw the pain, clear in eyes, even though every other aspect of him showed anger and fury. "Loki," the girl reached out to him with her small porcelain hand to which he harshly smacked it away.

   Sapphron was determined, regardless of the prince's doubt. He had opened up to her the night before when she was going through immense trauma. She knew his hard exterior was just an illusion to hide the pain. Sapphron became more and more confident that she would be able to get through to the fallen prince, she just had to gain his trust. If Sapphron was able to convince the Allfather to let Loki free, he may begin to trust her. She was making progress with him, it was clear as day, but she was uncertain if it would be enough to convince Odin to set him free.

  "I will prove you wrong Loki." She smiled warmly at him as he glared daggers at her. "I promise." She added before calling the guards to release her. Once she had past through the force field, she looked back at Loki, who had gone back to reading. "I will prove you wrong." She whispered, unaudiable to presumably everyone. The trickster however, heard her repetitive  promise.

Sapphron left the dungeon, her determination glowing. She had not eaten since the previous day and decided she would be no good facing the King of Asgard on an empty stomach. The girl hurried to the kitchen, where once again she locked eyes with the blue eyed blonde cook. "We missed you this morning." The man laughed as he diced up vegetables. "Oh, I uh, I slept in." Sapphron lied sheepishly. "Mmhm." The blonde laughed as he raised his eye brows at her. Sapphron bit her inner cheeks in anxiety. "I never got your name," the silver locked woman quickly changed the subject in fear of further interrogation. "Lucien." He smiled boldly at her. "And here is your lunch my lady." He smiled at the girl, handing her a plate full of fruits and meats. "Thank you." She genuinely grinned at him, before taking her plate and disappearing back into the hall.

  Once Sapphron was finished eating, she immediately went to the throne room. Escorted by guards, she stood before the king. "Your majesty." Sapphron got down on one knee in respect. Odin, satisfied, motioned for her to rise in which she obeyed. "What is it child? News on Loki?" The aged man questioned her. "Indeed. I believe I am making outstanding progress." Sapphron was not certain but she swore she saw a slight smile on the cold monarch's face. "Allfather, I believe it would be constructive if Loki was released." Odin's face tensed again as he starred deeply at the small girl before him. "Loki has committed heinous crimes." Odin's answer was far from direct. "I know Allfather, but I believe locking him up seems to be making things worse, I do believe I will be able to help him further if he is released." Odin paused for a minute before responded. "You will be responsible for him, if I do choose to release him." Sapphron practically jumped with joy, her heart fluttered with excitement. "I must consolidate with Heimdall before I make my final decision, until then, you are dismissed."


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