Chapter 22 - Change Of Hearts

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Thor had told the story of what tragic events occurred. He admitted his thought of innocence of his brother whole heartedly. The God of Thunder told Odin of Loki's love for the girl, which was later confirmed by Heimdall, who wished to know how twelve frost giants were able to sneak past his watch completely undetected.

"Frost giants have not been past me since your trickster brother brought them." Heimdall argued to the king. "I assure you, this was not Loki." Thor argued back, sticking up for his adopted brother who was not currently present. "I know that." Heimdall began with a slight smirk. He turned to his king, who was sitting on top of the golden throne. "My king, Loki has fallen in love with this girl. I could not see the frost giants enter our realm but I did see the battle. Lady Sapphron was looking outside in the stable for her spell book, the book of the Lunier." Odin's single eye widened at the name. "Where is the book now?" Odin's deep voice filled the throne room. "I cannot see it. I was not aware of it's existence." Heimdall admitted, still sounding stern and confident. There was a brief silence before Heimdall spoke once more. "The jotüns swarmed her, placing a device that would limit her magic, similar to the one Loki yields. I saw Loki chase after her. He was trying to negotiate to get her back. As much as I would enjoy the answer to this to be so simple, it was not Loki." Heimdall concluded, his voice solemn. "Thank you gatekeeper, you may return to your duties. Guards, bring Loki to me." Heimdall bowed to his king respectfully before returning to the bifrost.

Loki was waiting nervously in his mother's chambers. Loki was frantic, his emotions bounced between pained and filled with despair to rage filled to hopeless. His mother, Frigga was desperately trying to comfort her hurting son. The prince would sometimes lash out at his adopted mother, but it would not deter Frigga from comforting her son.

A large armoured man appeared at the Queen's door as she hugged her son, caressing his hair to sooth him. "Your majesty." The guard bowed. "Prince Loki, the king requests your presence immediately." Loki stood up without hesitation. Silently he followed the guard, only looking once back at his mother, before his cold look returned to his face like a familiar outfit. Shortly they arrived at the throne room. Thor was still there from before and he smiled brightly at his younger brother. The golden doors slammed closed as Loki walked up to face his adopted father. "It has come to my attention that you are not responsible for what has happened to Lady Sapphron." Odin began, his voice showing no emotion. Loki was quite relived and a little bit surprised at Odin's words. "Tell me about the book Sapphron was looking for." The king asked looking to the God of Mischief. Loki paused, thinking of his answer before delivering it. "A spell book I believe. She mentioned she did not feel at ease with it being unattended since her parents incarceration." Loki's answer was concise, as he wished not to waist any time. "Heimdall was not aware of it's existence and I have only heard rumours. Are you sure she did not say more about it?" Odin's voice sounded angry once more, frightening Loki as was conditioned. "No, she said she did not know much of it just that it was ancient and valuable." Loki lied slightly as she did not tell him that, instead he picked that from her brain.

"Do you love her?" The question was sudden, it even surprised Thor, whos stood silently beside his brother. Loki paused, unsure of his answer. The thought of his missing girl made his heart seize, the utter despair he felt without her presence answered the question for him. "Indeed...I do." Loki softly admitted to his adopted father, the king of Asgard. "And you would do absolutely anything to save her?" Odin questioned, seemingly having a plan for action. "Of course I would." Loki's answer was immediate this time, no need for any deliberation.

Odin sat tall in his golden throne. The king of Asgard tightened his grip around the sceptre in his hand. "I will lift your magic prohibition if you swear on your life to retrieve not only the girl, but the Book Of Lunier as well." Odin made his ultimatum very clear. Loki paused, shocked at Odin's concern for the girl, or more so the book. He wondered what power could come from this unknown book. With a deep breath in, Loki complied. "I swear." The God of Mischief and Lies placed his hand over his heart as he responded to the King of Asgard. "Thor, you will assist your brother on this mission. The warriors three and Lady Sif will accompany you both on your travel to Jotünhiem." The ruler of the nine realms ordered, ushering a guard to remove the chip that limits Loki's magic to be destroyed. The guard swiftly pulled the silver plat from his wrist, causing the fallen prince a great deal of pain. The guard pulled it from his arm. The plate dropped blood as it left a gashing wound on the God of Mischief's arm. "If you betray us, you will be executed." Odin told his adopted son before dismissing his two off. Both Loki and Thor nodded before simultaneously exited through the golden double doors.

Loki turned to his brother, a slight grin on his face. "Well it sure does feel good to be back." Loki laughed mischievous aloud. "No tricks brother, we are on mission to save the girl and the book." Thor scolded sounding stern as he led his brother in the direction of Lady Sif and the warriors three. "What is so special about that book anyway." Loki's grin grew wider and more evil looking. "I do not know brother but stop getting ideas."

Thor and Loki arrived at the training room to see Lady Sif and Fandral sword fighting, Volstagg eating as usual and Hogun sharpening knives. "My friends." Thor greeted, loud enough to gain all of their attention. "Lady Sapphron has been kidnaped. We must go to Jotünhiem to retrieve her and an ancient spell book." Thor explained to his four friends. "Well, we better go to the weapons vault then." Lady Sif smirked leading the boys to the vault.

" Lady Sif smirked leading the boys to the vault

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