Chapter 10 - Broken Chains

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   It was a day and a half before Odin has reached his final decision on the fate of Loki. The king spoke to his gatekeeper about his honest thoughts on Sapphron's proposition. The gatekeeper was hesitant, but he still agreed Sapphron had made great progress with him. Heimdall was able to see softness growing in Loki. Heimdall had suggestions however for the terms of Loki's release. That he would not be able to have his magic. Not only did he speak with Heimdall on the matter, he also spoke to his wife Frigga. Queen Frigga beamed with joy when she heard Sapphron's proposition. The Queen fought strongly for her adopted son's release. Without her persuasion Odin would never had chosen to set Loki free.

Sapphron was reading a novel she had borrowed from the royal library. A book on frost giants. She read deeply into the horrific crimes they committed and the wars they fought. She learned about their king Laufey, Loki's true father. She studied the pictures drawn out in ink, tracing her small figures against the paper. Sapphron was still in her night gown  when a hard knock was heard from her door. Sapphron answered it quickly. Behind the oak door was a tall man, wearing the uniform guard armour. "King Odin requests your presence." The man's voice was husky and low. "Oh, yes, give me one moment." Sapphron nervousness grew as she ran to the closet to change into something more appropriate. She selected a golden gown with emerald accents. The color reminded the girl of Loki's eyes. She fixed her hair in her beautifully sculpted mirror before hurrying out the door to meet the guard. The armoured man was in the exact same position as before, he had not moved an inch. The guard looked at Sapphron then began walking in silence. Sapphron followed behind, but every so often the guard would look to check if she was still there.  The guard opened the door for her.  Sapphron crept in nervously. She saw Odin in the same position she had ever seen him in. Sitting on his royal throne in all his golden royal armour and golden eye patch. "Your majesty." As before Sapphron got down on one knee in respect to her king. "Rise." Sapphron rose from her knee and stood confidently before the all powerful king. "I have come to a decision." The king stated. Sapphron felt her stomach twist and turn as she anxiously awaited his verdict.

"I will allow it on these conditions. You will be solely responsible for him. Shall he commit any crime the two of you will be sentenced together. And finally. He may not have any magic." The king gestured to a small looking metal plate. "Place this on his wrist and it will limit his magic drastically." A more superior guard explained to her as he handed the metallic plate to her. "Do you understand child?" The King asked firmly. "Yes my king. Thank you." Sapphron bowed as began to walk towards the doors. "Sapphron." The king's voice stopped the girl in her tracks. She turned to look at him. "I hope you are right about Loki." Sapphron was at a loss for words. She said nothing but nodded to the all father before leaving the throne room.

Excitedly she ran to the dungeons. Sapphron was very proud of her self. A part of her doubted that she would ever be able to convince the allfather to let his murderous, adopted son out of prison. She ecstatic to tell the God of Mischief the news. She knew he would try to hide his excitement, but she also was aware of the fact that she would be able to see his excitement even through his hard exterior. Loki did not trust Sapphron yet but he was beginning to develop a soft spot for the silver haired girl. He drew many similarities from the girl who had been visiting him so frequently. A part of him enjoyed her visits as it kept him from complete solitude.

When Sapphron approached the doors to the dungeon, the guards looked nervous. She smiled brightly at them, unable to contain her enthusiasm. "What joyous day!" She cheered with glee. "What wretched day!" The guards replied. Sapphron huffed, becoming silent as the armoured men led her down to Loki's cell. When the three were at his cell, the prince was sitting against the wall reading as usual. Sapphron nodded to the guard indicating him to let her pass through the force field. Hesitantly the guard obeyed. Sapphron passed through the yellowed force field smoothly. "Loki," The fallen prince did not look up at her. "I believe I promised you something." Sapphron's smile grew uncontainable wide. Loki was still unaffected by her words. "I have convinced the all father to set you free!" The pale girl cheered happily. She had now caught Loki's attention. He finally powered up from his book to look at her. He looked into her smiling eyes with curiousity. "There's some conditions however. You must stay with me at all costs and no magic." By the end of her sentence she had lifting up the magic stopping metal disk. "Odin's orders." She sounded sorry for him. Loki could sense this term was not her doing. "I have to admit I am a little surprised." Loki's voice was monotone and low. Sapphron's smile grew wider, if possible. "So do you accept?" Loki was a tad surprised at the question but answered regardless. "I accept." Sapphron beamed with joy as she placed the disk into Loki's wrist, her hands gently holding his. The disk immediately seeped into his skin. Loki was unaffected but she could tell that the implantation was painful. Sapphron lingered awhile as she help his hand in hers, starring into his eyes. "You are free." She whispered at him with a smirk. She then gestured to the guards, causing the force field to disappear. Sapphron guides the fallen prince out of his cell making the guards shake in fear of the now freed criminal.  Loki, escorted by Sapphron, slowly walked out of the dungeon and for the first time in years, Loki was able to see the light of day.

  Loki, escorted by Sapphron, slowly walked out of the dungeon and for the first time in years, Loki was able to see the light of day

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