Chapter 14 - Revelation

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  "What do you mean?" Sapphron questioned, furrowing her dark eyebrows

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"What do you mean?" Sapphron questioned, furrowing her dark eyebrows.
"Loki, the God of Mischief and Lies has an infamous track record for murder and treachery." Lucien explained, clear worry in his eyes.
"Lucien, you do know I was the one who got Loki freed." The girl explained, a pinch pride, coating her tone. Lucien's expression quickly changed to shock. His mouth opened slightly.
"Why on Asgard would you do that?" Lucien's voice neared a whisper, shock and hurt ran through his body.

"Because Lucien, everyone deserves redemption. Loki is not as bad as everyone paints him out to be. He is not a monster, he is simply misunderstood." Sapphron was immediate to defend her prince, the one she had grown so fond of those past few weeks.
"I fear he is using your generosity for his own malicious plans—"

"Lucien stop. I can handle myself. Loki is no more a threat to Asgard than am I." Sapphron protested, crossing her arms.
"Sapphron I am worried."
"Lucien, stop worrying I am fine, I really am. Loki is not what you think he is, you must trust me. I have spent time with him in the dungeons, I went in his cell with him and I have been accompanying him in his time of freedom. He has had many opportunities to kill me. You need to have faith." Sapphron grew upset quickly, angry about the accusations the chef was making about the prince. "Be careful Sapphron. That is all I ask of you." Lucien sighed, realizing he would not be able to get through to the silver haired blue eyed girl, he had become so infatuated with. The blonde chef smiled sadly at her, his eyes covered in worry for the petit girl's wellbeing.

"I will Lucien, thank you." Sapphron bowed to the man before exited the kitchen, nodding to each of the cooks on the way by and also picking at some of the fruits laying around. Lucien followed her out, giving her a hopeful touch before the girl was lost into the crowd.

Sapphron pondered about the things Lucien had said to her. She was already aware of the wrong doings Loki had committed, but that did not halted the feelings she had growing for him. Her thoughts quickly re-emerged on the location of her missing prince.
As if he had been there the whole time, Loki tapped her on the shoulder, a growing smirk plastered on his face.

"Loki!" Sapphron cheered, pulling him deeply into an embrace. "Oh Loki where have you been!?" Her smile grew wide. Loki pulled away slightly so he could see her face, but his hands did not leave her waist. "I have been around." His eyes trailed off, Sapphron noticed he was lying to her, or at least dodging the truth.
"Where exactly?" She asked raising a suggestive eyebrow at the smirking prince.
"Oh you know..."
"You were there were you not?" Sapphron questioned giving him a stern look.
"I have no idea what you are talking about." He answered, not being able to contain a light chuckle.
"Loki, do not lie to me out of all people." Sapphron gave him a glare, as she crossed her arms.
"Well I suppose I might have over heard your conversation with that filthy servant friend of yours." The God of Mischief and Lies admitted, not being able to look at the girl before him directly in the eyes.

"I should have known better!" She laughed, poking the prince in the ribs.
"My magic is limited, not gone." He laughed, licking his lips.
"And soon it will be full again. I am working on it my prince. But you must be on your best behaviour." Sapphron scolded him, trying her best to give him a stern glare.

"Are you alright?" To Loki her question seemed random, but to Sapphron she was referring to his encounter with his mother earlier. "You stormed off so quickly, I was worried." She explained, looking meaningfully into his deep emerald eyes.

"I know." He laughed lightly.

"Right, you never actually left." Sapphron realized out loud.
"Only the illusion of me leaving."
He raised his eyebrow suggestively. Sapphron suddenly became embarrassed at the fact she had spoke so highly about him, not knowing of his presence.

Loki noticed her embarrassment, causing him to give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"The Queen worries for you, she did not mean to upset you." Sapphron explained, feeling empathy for Loki's mother.
"I know, Frigga means well. It is not her fault Odin did what he did. I do not blame her." Loki truthfully explained to his crystal eyed companion. Sapphron smiled at the prince's delicate words. She noticed he was much more comfortable sharing his feelings with her. Sapphron sighed, happy to be back in the frost giant's presence.

"Sapphron." Loki began, pulling her to the side of the grand hall. Loki was about to confess his feelings for the girl when he spotted the Neanderthal of his brother approaching the two, followed by the warriors three and Lady Sif.
"Brother!" Thor's deep voice boomed as he began to run towards Loki and Sapphron. Loki was quickly and unwillingly pulled into an embrace by his older brother. "It is so wonderful to see you free, walking the halls of the palace."

The warriors three and Lady Sif turned to Sapphron. Volstagg, Hogun and Lady Sif bowed at her presence whereas Fandral took her hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss. "My lady." He greeted with a smirk, earning a scoff from Loki. "Careful Fandral, I do believe this fair maiden has already been claimed." Thor winked to his adoptive brother with a smirk. In response, Loki rolled his green eyes. "Will you be attended dinner tomorrow brother? Mother deeply misses your presence next to her." Thor's blue eyes shined with hope for his beloved brother, regardless of their different heritage.

Loki looked to Sapphron as if she would have the answer for the God of Thunder. "Perhaps." She answered lightly. "Loki and I have lots of work to do, but I do not see why we could not make it for dinner." Her answer made Thor beam with joy. Loki nodded to Thor and his warrior companions before beginning to head towards their room.

Before Sapphron could depart, she was pulled back by a strong arm. She looked to the culprit to see Thor, smiling widely at her.

"Thank you Lady Sapphron, for everything you have done for my brother."


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