Chapter 17 - Flaming Hot

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   That night, Sapphron fell asleep in not only Loki's bed, but also in his arms

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   That night, Sapphron fell asleep in not only Loki's bed, but also in his arms. She felt comfort in his embrace and gravitated towards his cool body in her sleep.

It only tools moments of unconsciousness before Sapphron felt a burning sensation across her skin. At first she believed it to be part of her dreams so she did not wake. She stirred in her sleep, flipping back an forth as the heat consumed her.

Droplets of sweat formed on her silky skin. Her breathing became heavy as if she was panting after a run. The girl was still unconscious yet noticeably uncomfortable.

All Sapphron could see in her mind was burning flames. A nightmare like she had never experienced before.  Her body heated up like it was over a hot stove. She was breathing extremely heavy as if the air was smoke filled. She squirmed back and forth, still not able to awaken.

Loki was awakened by a sudden burning feeling on his arm, specifically the one that was wrapped around Sapphron. The sharp pain jolted the God of Mischief awake. He then rolled over in, still half asleep.  "Sapphron." The prince groaned, sleep coating his tone. The God of Mischief cracked open a single eye to see what looked like flames trapped within his love's skin. "Sapphron!" Loki gasped, fully awakening from his sudden panic and attempting to shake her away. The small girl still would not budge, her body seeming lifeless if it was not for her heavy breathing and sweating.

Irritated burns began to appear on the unconscious girl's flawless skin.
Sapphron was unable to speak, only cried out in agony. She could not open her eyes as the sensation of being burned coursed through her sand paper like veins.

Loki was troubled, he wished to help the suffering girl but he did not understand the causation of her pain. "Sapphron what is going on!?" The prince's voice cracked, clear worry coating his voice.

Sapphron in a sleepened state, grasped the prince's arm tightly. The feeling made his arm burn with agony, but his mind the ability to see. In that very moment he was able to see the visions Sapphron was burdened with. It only took a few short, yet painful moments before the sight disappeared from his eyes. The prince then looked down to the suffering beauty with a knowledgeable smirk.

  Loki recognized her suffering to be the curse that had been put upon her people. The curse that said they would all burn internally until their deaths.  Remembering the moment he shared with the now burning girl back in his cell, when she told him of her visions. The time seemed so far away from Loki, but this newly sparked memory gave him complete clarity on his next actions.

Loki summoned the coldness buried deep with in him. The fallen prince shuddered into his true, frost giant form. His skin transformed into a deep blue, even darker blue markings coating his skin. The once emerald crystals, morphed into crimson pupils. The frost giant breathed in a cold, sharp breath.

Next to him, was Sapphron squirming in a burning pain. Loki pulled the flaming girl into his icy chest, immediately she gasped at his cold temperature in relief. As his frost giant skin touched hers, it extinguished the internal flames. Sapphron's painful screaming stopped as her body temperature began to drop back to a much more normal one.

As her body began to cool, the deathly flames now extinguished, Sapphron opened her crystal eyes slowly to see herself in Loki's arms. She blinked a few times to make sure what she was seeing was not another vision.

The silver haired girl looked up to his angular face to see he had transformed into his frost giant form. As much as the sight of his deep blue skin and bloodened eyes shocked the girl, it also fascinated her.

"I look like a monster I know." Loki broke away from her gaze with a saddened look on his icy face.

"No, Loki, you are beautiful." Sapphron reached up to gently touch his frost bitten face. Touching his cool skin, calmed hers deeply. The girl breathed in lightly, closing her ocean like eyes.

"You saved me from burning alive."
The girl whispered in astonishment, her eyes still not opening.

"You saved me from the death sentence." Loki replied, his familiar smirk reappearing on his face.

"Some would say we were made for each other." Sapphron laughed, nuzzling her face into his cold neck.

"Do you wish for me to change back?" The prince asked his love, sounding slightly embarrassed of his true form.

"No Loki, your skin soothes me."

Sapphron happily replied as she cuddled deeper into his freezing body. To most, touching his true skin would give a deathly frost bite, but to Sapphron, it was as if he was a cold glass of ice water on the hottest day of summer.

Loki smirked to himself, a little chuckle escaping his frosty lips. He was content he could help ease Sapphron's pain. The need for his frost giant touch gave Loki a sense of purpose in this illusion of a world he was surrounded in. He looked down at Sapphron, smirking once more at the effect the seemingly ordinary girl had on him.

She saved him from death, she had freed him and she had given him a purpose.

Loki pulled the girl closer to him, so that her leg, arm and right side of her torso was on top of Loki's sturdy chest.

"Go back to sleep my love." Loki cooed as he ran his blued hands through her snow like hair.

Sapphron moaned in a sleepened state as she comforted herself within his touch. Loki laughed observing the girl as she moved, stroking her beautiful hair ever so often. The half unconsciousness girl pulled at his hair, her soft mouth opening slightly.

"My prince."
She murmured through a sleep filled voice.

Loki chuckled, his chest vibrating underneath the girl.

"My princess."
He whispered back, kissing her forehead.

" He whispered back, kissing her forehead

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