Chapter 20 - Home Sweet Home

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The two groaned in protest as their intimate moment was cut short by the demanding guard at their door

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The two groaned in protest as their intimate moment was cut short by the demanding guard at their door. "Are you ready?" Loki asked looking to Sapphron, whose hair was completely tasseled. The prince laughed to himself at the sight of her uncoordinated steps.

"I believe so." The girl's voice shook, telling she was nervous to return to her old home.

"Shall we?" The God asked, stretching out his arm for Sapphron to take.
"We shall." She replied, faking a smile. Loki saw right through her strong nature as she grasped into his muscly arm. The small girl shook as she walked, concerning Loki greatly.

When the two exited their chambers, four guards were awaiting them. Loki thought the amount of guards was a bit over the top but did not protest aloud.

"Brother!" The loud voice boomed from behind Loki, Sapphron and the guards. The sound of his brother's voice made Loki cringe he with annoyance. "Thor." The prince rolled his eyes as his beefy brother came stomping towards him. "What do I owe the pleasure?" Loki sarcastically spat, crossing his arms. Sapphron stood behind him as if he was shielding her from a monster. "I am coming with you brother." Thor's smile grew wide as his blue eyes creased. "Not necessary, brother." Loki was clearly annoyed with the presence of his older and adopted brother Thor. "Odin's orders." Loki scoffed at the answer rolling his emerald gems once more. "Of course they are." He scoffed. "Come on, won't be so bad, like old times brother!" The God of Thunder argued, Patton this brother on the shoulder. "The old times were bad." Loki hissed in reply. Thor seemed unaffected by his brother's anger, as if he was completely used to it.

"Lady Sapphron." Thor greeted, bowing to her slightly. "So we are headed to your old home to retrieve your things my mother tells me." Thor began, walking beside the girl. "Yes, a book specifically. If you find one, it is brown and ancient looking, do not touch it, just come get me." Sapphron answered not only to the God of Thunder but to the God of Mischief as well. 

"Of course my lady." Thor smiles warmly. Internally Loki hated how friendly his adopted brother was being with Sapphron, he tried to keep his composure but the jealousy showed through on his facial expressions.

Thor, Loki and Sapphron finally reached the carriage. It was golden and white, heavily armoured. The horses had silver and gold armour coating them as if they were going into war. Two of the guards opened the door for the three.
"After you, my lady." Thor ushered the small girl into the carriage. Next came Loki, who sat far closer to Sapphron then he did to Thor.

Sapphron was still extremely nervous to go back to the place she once called her home. The silver haired girl chewed on her lip absentmindedly until it was swollen and scarred. The small girl starred out the carriage window for the majority of the ride. Sapphron silently shook, it went unnoticed to everyone accept Loki. He starred at her with worry in his green and beautiful eyes. 

    As Loki was observing Sapphron, Thor was observing Loki. He was able to decipher his brother's actions for deep seeded emotion. The God of Thunder was a little surprised to see such softness in his adopted brother's face when he looked at Sapphron. Thor was used to Loki hiding his true emotions, making him for a moment, wonder if this new found softness was merely an illusion. The thought did not sit right with the future king however, he had grown up with Loki, he had seen his true softness. Most of the time it would be when Thor would walk past his mother's chambers, seeing Loki and Frigga bonding over magic. The God of Thunder saw similar softness in his brother when he looking to the silver haired girl. The God smiled to himself as he watched his brother observe the girl beside him.

"We have arrived, your majesties." One of the guard announced as the horses slowly came to a stop infront of the beaten down villa. Sapphron's eyes widen as she looked at her old home. It looked just the same as the day she had left it, but to her, it both felt and looked much colder. Loki could feel the frightened girl tense up every muscle she had in her small frame. The God of Mischief brushed her shoulder to give Sapphron some reassurance. Sapphron took a deep breath in as another guard, different from the first, opened the carriage door.

  First came out Thor, who jumped from the carriage, landing on the soft grass gracefully. Next came out Loki, who glided down the carriage stairs with ease. He held Sapphron's hand as she ever so slowly walked down the carriage stairs. Sapphron faces her old home, taking another deep breathe in. Without hesitation, she headed straight to her front door. The girl pulled a rusty key from her gown pocket and unlocked the wooden door. The familiar smell almost brought tears to the girl's eyes. She turned back to Loki, Thor and the guards. "Come in." Her voice croaked.

"Guard the doors." Thor demanded to the armoured guards. He then shut the front door behind him  taking in the small, messy home.

"I wish to have my horse back, if we could bring her to the palace perhaps?" Sapphron asked turning to the God of Thunder. "Of course my lady," To which he replied. Sapphron looked around her house with weary eyes. Loki grasped on to her shoulder, watching her intensely. The girl did not flinch, just leaned into his touch.

"We must start looking for the book." Sapphron's voice was stern and determined. Immediately she glided to her fire place. The girl stuck her hand up it reaching for the book. "It has been moved." She gasped, her arm now covered in black ash. "Tear this place apart!" Sapphron for the first time, yelled with desperation. Both her, Loki and Thor searched around frantically for the missing book. "Is this it?" Thor asked showing an ordinary book.
"No. It is huge, ancient looking, many symbols engraved into the cover."

The three searched for nearly hours, still unable to find the book. Her old home had now been completely torn apart. Sun down was approaching and what Sapphron had feared the most had come true. Her sacred spell book was missing.

"I am going to check the stables." With that, Sapphron exited the home to the stables, before Loki could even utter a word.

"You like her don't you brother?" Thor smirked at Loki once the two were alone. "She is different." Was all Loki could reply. "I like to see you happy brother." Thor laughed but was cut short by a murderous scream.

"Help!!!! Loki!!! Thor!!!! Help!!!!"


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