Chapter 11 - Troublemaker

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Sapphron was proud of herself for being able to free Loki, not knowing her persuasion had little to do with the final decision. The small girl looped her arm around the powerless god, earning herself a scoff. She happily walked as everyone who past gave the two fearful stares. "So how does it feel to be free?" She asked, still unable to contain the large grin plastered on her lips. "Like I'm in a larger cage with you attached at my hip." The prince glared at her briefly before he continued to walk down the golden hall. Loki was almost twice as tall as Sapphron, making it hard for her to keep up with his confident and long strides. She laughed to herself at the fact he even walked like royalty. "Sorry dear, Odin's orders. I must be with you at all times." A part of the girl wondered where the two were headed as she had not been leading the way. The silver locked girl looked around to see she was nearing the Queen's corridors. Sapphron came to the conclusion that they would be meeting with his mother. The thought was short lived however, as the two stopped infront of huge double doors. Loki's hand hovered over the door knob, unlocking the enchanted lock. Sapphron and Loki walked through to reveal a grand bedroom, much larger than the one she was accustomed to. The walls were decorated in a deep emerald, the trim glisten gold. In a corner by the door, was a box full of Sapphron's things. She was surprised at how quickly the King worked.  "This must be your room. It is truly magnificent." She gushed as she took in the beauty of the landscape before her.

  Loki did not respond, he just slickly walked to the greened wall and placed his hand on a specific spot. A light outlined a door as the stone moved to reveal a large walk in closet. Loki disappeared into the many articles of clothes only to reappear wearing a green and black leather get up, accented with golden trim. "You must feel better in your normal garments." Sapphron commented realizing not how much the prince flowed up from his costume change, even his hair looked neater. The now freed prince laughed, unaudiable to the girl starring around the room. "You know you are allowed to say thank you for getting you freed." Sapphron added, sounding hurt. To her surprise the fallen prince answered her. "Thank you." His voice was low and husky but it still caused Sapphron's heart to flutter. "You are very welcome." She replied happily. She breathed in, smelling leather mostly, but a hint of her favorite scent; lavender. "I will convince Odin to give you back your magic, it will just take me time." She reassured him, reaching out. "Why do you insist on helping me so much, what is in it for you?" He questioned with genuine curiosity. "Nothing, well I get to stay at the palace. To be honest with you, helping you distracts me from the burning betrayal that haunts me." Sapphron laughed cynically, pain croaking through her confidence.

Loki looked at her, studying the girls porcelain features. "I know not what I am nor who I am. Aiding you gives me purpose, a sense of belonging in this world." The girl poetically spoke, not looking up from the ground in front of her. "You are Sapphron, and you have glorious purpose." Loki's sudden kind words surprised Sapphron, but they made her heart melt. "Thank you Loki. Under all that hard frost giant exterior, you truly are too kind, just extremely misunderstood." The fallen prince found comfort in her words. He internally debated on letting his guard down to the girl who had done nothing but help him. He had never become close to anyone besides his mother, especially now. But a growing part of the God of Mischief desperately craved her presence. He sighed unsure on how he would react to her kind words.

"You must be famished Loki, only being able to eat that wretched prison food, come let us eat!" The girl cheered, removing her emotions from the darkness. Loki smirked at the girl in reply as she grasped his cold hand and pulled him out the door. "I truly am happy you are free, my prince." She winked at him seductively causing him to chuckled aloud. "Was that a genuine laugh I heard? Everyone doubted I would be able to get through that hard exterior. What fools they were!" Sapphron gloated proudly. "Now you are just within the walls of my hard exterior." Loki replied, the words puzzling Sapphron for a moment. Loki unnoticeably blushed realizing what he had just admitted to the girl.

Sapphron as usual, linked her arm around Loki as if he was her escort to a royal ball. Many Asgardians whispered and glared as the two trotted by. A large man with a brunette beard and golden armour approached the two. "Now who let the prince out of his cage?" The deep voice boomed. Sapphron could feel, through the prince's arm, him tense up at the sight of the towering man. "Hugo." Loki greeted in a sarcastic manner. The man, presumed to be Hugo, looked to the small pale girl who's arms were locked with the God of Mischief. "What is such a fair maiden doing with a slithering snake." Hugo hissed at Loki, yet smirked flirtatiously at Sapphron. Sapphron said nothing, she just looked up to Loki, who in return gave her reassuring eyes. The two said nothing and attempted to continue on their journey to the kitchen when Hugo aggressively grabbed Loki by the shoulder. "Rumour has it, you do not have your magic, frost giant." Hugo's grip on Loki tightened as his cockiness shined through. "Let him go! He means no trouble." Loki's face tightened, rage flowing. "No trouble!?" The brunette exclaimed. "He causes nothing but trouble, he is a monster!" Hugo angrily yelled at the prince before him as he lifted his strong, muscular arm to swing at him. Hugo swung his fist, missing Loki completely as a piercing ring rang through his brain. Seizing all his actions immediately, he clutched at his burning head.

"He may not have his magic, but I do." Sapphron spat at the buff man when he was in the fetal position.

" Sapphron spat at the buff man when he was in the fetal position

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