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lights // speeding.

GALLY NEVER TRUSTED TERESA that much, and he thought for the worst: thinking she would have lead them to Janson instead of the sub-level where all the kids were being held in their cells. He hoped the launcher would help defend himself as much as whatever it could hold with the help of Newt and Thomas.

He knew if she tried something, Thomas would be the first one to respond.

They stopped at the door after dashing through the hallways after Teresa gives them access from her thumbprint ID and her key card, knowing they were somewhat caught in the surveillance cameras.

"They're guards in there?" Newt asks Teresa.

Teresa nods without saying anything.

They waited, prepared for the big grey doors to slide open, armed with their launchers. The slides move, revealing a WCKD security guard at the door, and the three boys opened fire.

The guard flies back on the ground, twitching and groaning from the electrocution. The rest of the guards shot their heads up after seeing their member on the ground. They all continued to fight the other guards, eventually defeating all of them. This gave them time to open the cells.

Newt pulls open one door while Thomas escorted kids out the other.

"Come on!" Newt says to them with a soft voice.

"Let's go," Thomas says to the kids he approached. "It's okay. You guys are safe. Newt, check the other cells."

Multiple kids, all wearing same blue coloured clothes walk out, confused and frightened. At least they were safe for now.

Gally gets down to the floor to grab a guard by the collar of his uniform, holding him at gunpoint. "The vault. How do I get in?"

"You can't," said the guard in an exhausted, weak tone. Useless and a waste of time to get him to talk, Gally throws the man back down and approaches the vault.

"Guys!" he calls to them. "This might take some time." He sets his bag down. Digging through, he pulls out a tool and begins to chainsaw it through the lock.

Thomas frantically looks through every door. Minho was no where to be found. Thomas goes to Newt.

"Shit," he swears under his breath. "He's not here." He gets close to Teresa's face. "Where is he?"

Gally looks back, listening and watching Teresa speak to Thomas at the computers.

"Somebody has moved him up to the medical wing. Thomas, that's on the other side of the building," Teresa tells him.

"Okay. Take me to him. Right now," orders Thomas.

"Alright, I'm coming with you," Newt chimes.

"Newt, no, you're not. You have to stay here. Wait with Gally for the serum."

"But you can't do this on your own," Newt says. "Minho comes first, remember?"

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