xxiv. FIRE.

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ariana grande x major lazer // all my love.

ariana grande x major lazer // all my love

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GALLY LEAD THE THREE BOYS DOWN THE CITY. He was there to witness the explosion and his heart broke.

"We're supposed to take down WCKD, not the whole damn city," he said looking at the destruction of the walls before breaking down into tears.

"Gally, come on." Thomas and Minho take off carrying Newt with them and Gally gulps, not letting another tear fall.

He ducks down the alleys, making their way out of it into another street.

"Tunnels are right up ahead," he tells them. He suddenly hears sirens from the patrol cars and men yelling orders at a troop of soldiers.

"Shit!" he swore, hiding behind a wall. "Hey hey hey!" He says. "Stay low!" They crouched behind the wall, getting a peek of what was going down. Numerous counts of soldiers loaded their weapons, waiting with the city alarm still blaring.

"Get ready!" a man yells, ordering other men.

"Alright, move up! Move up!" yelled another.

Gally peers to get a look and leans behind the structure. "Dammit!" he cursed, sighing.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho says.

Before Thomas could give it a thought, an explosion goes off on the other end of the intersection. Then guns go off and multiples of rebels from Lawrence's team charge toward the WCKD soldiers from all directions.

They couldn't see it fully without getting caught but they heard everything. It was awful hearing a soldier cry out as he flew back from an explosion. The four boys had no choice but to evacuate the battle without getting hit.

Gally hoped MK was not still inside, stuck in a battle.

BUT DISASTER STRUCK. An all out war ensued while MK was passed out cold- or hot if it may- on the street from the wall break in. The first thing she sees when she shot her eyes open was the night sky that contrasted the hot red-orange flames and smoke.

How long has she been passed out the whole time Lawrence's team was fighting? How long has it been seeing visions of the Glade and her friends- some who were now dead . . . and seeing Gally look at her like she was his whole world?

She began to do the same method when she woke from the tipped over truck, she starts to move her head, then working her way down her body to turn over to get on her knees. That was when the pain shot her gradually and she screamed bloody murder.

She now knew what extreme pain feels like and hasn't felt anything like it. MK only felt numb when the shards of glass had cut her head and face after the truck accident. Her head pounded from fainting after seeing who had saved them from WCKD firing at them from the walls. The last pain she had was the back of her neck while Teresa was removing her tracker.

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