A little Thank You

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A/N:  That smile is to die for. 

So I didn't want to spam in the comments so I didn't respond to all your feedback, but don't think I didn't see them! 

Thank you for being the sweetest, most supportive readers ever. From following me to even a little vote, you guys make my day and encourage me to write more. 

First shout-out goes to the first ever comment, @gagirly1. Thank you so so much for that first comment I saw it during class and was like, "eeeeEEEEEEE!!!!!!"

Thank you also to @aminacall, @thatssomad, @Kristen_Ko, @_salmantia, and  @pinkishjade.

If I forgot anyone, I am sincerely sorry and be sure to mention yourself in the comments.

Now I know this is getting pretty long, and you all seem to be pretty excited for more of the story. One little thing before I say goodbye: If you're a fan of Ocean's Eight and/or Cate Blanchett, please pop in a little fangirl/boying for them. I am not looking for more comments or reads, I just need someone to fangirl with because Cate Blanchett is a beautiful pomegranate who needs to be loved more. ;P


Thanks again, love you guys, and baiii!!!


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